one night

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It's always that one night that can change our life for the better are for the worse well let me tell you one night a girl ran in front of a moving car one night a boy shot his father and killed his mother and his brothers and sisters one night girl drown one night a man ran over a six year old one night a men shot his wife and kids nights like these is hard for the people nights like these should be stop one night I seen a girl hanging herself one night I seen a girl stabbed her brother multiple times one night I seen a man rape his own daughter when I could change your life for the worst on nights like this nobody should be alone one night I seen a man his wife in the oven all this happened on one night that's alot for one night nights like these shouldn't happen  one night a boy got beat over a girl one night a girl got killed over a boy things like this just don't happen one night I seen a woman beat her son and he was only seven one night a man shot his kids and wife and himself one night a girl took her life because she was getting bullied one night a girl went on the Rampage cuz she never had nobody

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