adventurer ryan

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Ryan said " the war has ended jack."
Jack said " yeah the wars ended err that puts us out of a job." they start to fall asleep next to the campfire. In the morning a skeleton with a sword it tries to slash Ryan, but Ryan gets his magical sword and slash right though the skeleton. They started to head to Alsece.

In a dark room a man in robes chanting stange words of old. The words are "vi um death gi fi dama."

Our story continues with Ryan, they finally got to Alsece, but the city of kinda was being attacked by creatures of death.
Minotaurs ramed the gates, the gates broke skeletons with swords whent inside the city. Magicians used there magic to kill the minotaurs. Ryan and Jack attack the skeletons, one of the skeletons stabbed jack but jack pulled the sword out of the wound and destroyed the skeleton.
The same man in robes used his dark mystacal dark magi and killed all the skeletons. But with a cost Ryan ran to him but the guy in robes was dying but before he died he told Ryan "there's a man super evill use this scroll to destroy him he's name is aco. You haft to destroy him he will end the world. Ryan bought a carriage and to go to the capital were aco is he is determined to kill aco, Jack came to.

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