Chapter 4: Dates and Doom!

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Midoriya and y/n both prepare for their date, but villains are always running around...doing villainous things! Midoriya also gets to see the true power of y/n's quirk, which leaves him shook. Enjoy!

You and Midoriya had both decided to have dinner a day after your visit to the U.A. dorms, because Midoriya said he wanted to have a plan in place. This made you laugh, because you assumed that he would probably write things down for different scenarios that could arise during the date which was sweet. Plus Ultra right? 

Since you had never been on a date before, you wanted to be subtle about it with your parents. But when you mentioned your date to your mom the minute she heard that you were going out with a boy who "went to U.A." you two were out the door and going to the nearest store to look for something for you to wear.

"So what's this Midoriya boy like? Isn't he in the hero course?" she asked you, as she eyed some fancy dresses hanging on the racks in the center of the aisle.

You nodded your head. "Yeah he is and he's really nice and sweet. I-I don't really think that you need to buy me new clothes for this date--"

"Aw c'mon don't be such a stick in the mud." she said, pulling a purple dress from the rack and holding  it in front of your body. "It's fun to be excited for a date with someone, and if you say he's nice then we should be nice back. This dress is cute, wanna try it on?"

"Sure." you replied, gazing thoughtfully at the beautiful lace pattern on the shoulder of the dress. "It is really cute."

"Well, since I found one it's your turn to find one...not too expensive though please."


"Oh who am I kidding, just go crazy! But I'm going to be sitting by the shoes, my feet hurt." she said. You wanted her to stay and just choose more fashionable dresses for you but you didn't want to seem lazy.

"Alright, I'll do my best!"


After about an hour and a half shopping with your mom, you were finally able to choose a nice dress. It was a simple dark blue dress with lace detail on the long sleeves and your mom was ecstatic about the purchase. "What a bargain!" is what she exclaimed when you two walked back to the car, one dress in hand.

But you were only thinking about the upcoming date itself. Should you come up with some interesting talking topics now or should you just go with the flow? Luckily you were mostly an underground hero, but what if someone did recognize you? What then?

"Aaahh!! I don't know!" you blurted out loudly, running your hands through your hair. Your mom jumped in her seat in surprise, but luckily she still focused on driving. "What if I mess up this date mom? I really like him...I don't want to mess it up."

Your mom sighed, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly before she relaxed. "No, you won't mess it up. You're really're capable of doing amazing things, I mean you're the youngest pro hero in the world for god-sake! A first date can be nerve-wracking sure, but if it doesn't go as planned you can always have another one at a different time. A lot of things don't go as planned, you just have to be adaptable and you'll be fine."

She gave you gentle smile and you slumped back down in your seat with a sigh. "Hero missions are way easier than this, that's for sure!"

"Yeah maybe for you." she replied.

You two got home quickly and you made a beeline for your room the second you walked through the door. You took the tags off of the dress and put it on. It was almost time for Midoriya to show up since shopping had taken a bit longer than you thought so you just put on a silver necklace your mom had given you years ago and threw on some black flats.

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