Truth or Dare part 1 (Nix's POV)

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The Game 13

Chapter 13

Nix's POV

"Thanks" i say to Oreo. "Welcome" She says. "I am going to talk to Ally. ALLY GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" I yell "coming!" She says. "Whats up?" "Nothing just want u to talk." "Did you know your sis is acting like a jerk?" She says. "Yes. Shes always a show off." "Brb you guys!" Oreo says. "K" Ally and I say. "Want to play truth or dare?" I say. "Sure!" Says Ally. "Everyone! Follow me to the loft if you want to play truth or dare!" I say. Everyone came! I am surprised. "Get a seat or a pillow and then we will start." Everyone raced to the two massage chairs but Shadow and me beat them. "Oreo get some music playing on spotifiy!" Sonic says.

"Whats that song?" Blossom asked. "Ain't it fun by paramore." Frozen says.

"Lets get this started!" B.B says. "Ok Nix truth or dare?" "Dare." Nix says. "Risk taker Nix!" Matias says. "I dare you and Esperanza to change clothes for two rounds." "Im up for it." Nix says. "Fine." Esperanza says. "How are you able to wear this?!" "Same here. I look like a barbie doll." Nix says. "Hey!" Esperanza says.

"Kk!" Oreo says. "Zero-Kun truth or dare. "Truth." He says "Have you ever had another girlfriend or girlfriends?" Oreo says. "Nope." Zero says.

"After this round can me and Esperanza change?" Nix says. "Yes." B.B. says. "Honey buns! (Matias)" said Esperanza. "Truth or dare?" "Dare." Matias says. "I dare you to kiss moi." Esperanza says. *sigh* "fine." Matias says.

*kiss into make out session*

"Im changing come on Sis. *pulls away from Matias* "Get a room!" Sonic says. "Ok! Shadow truth or dare?" "Truth." Shadow says. "Ok Nix, Maria, or Rouge?" Sonic says. "Nix." Shadow says. "Thanks." Nix says. "Ok frozen truth or dare?" "Truth." Frozen says. "Have you dated someone else?" Nix says. "Yes a pink seal named Lola. But I love Blossom more." Frozen says.

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