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My name is Michel Cranela I am 16 years old I live with my parents ANN and JACK and my older brother Brian, 17 years old, I study at LANNY school, I have two years to go to university, I have no idea what I want to do in the future, but in time it will say it ... although not everything is as we planned it. One day I was at school with my friends Clara and Kamila when my brother called me to speak, he was very startled and nervous, it was a call from my mother to tell us a tragedy, our grandfather Mark had been found dead at home , apparently he had a heart attack, and today in the afternoon it would be the funeral and tomorrow they would read his will. We did not have much contact with Grandpa Mark, since Mom did not like his presence in the house, she always said that he hid something that when we turned 18 we would know, With Brian, we asked ourselves: What the hell was Mama hiding about her grandfather? Would it be something tragic, something that the grandfather did in the past and mom does not accept it, a dark mistake that the grandfather committed and now we will suffer or just a stupid and insignificant family fight?  

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