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Train Ride

I sat in the seat next to Watanuki waiting to arrive at my new school. I sighed as the scenery passed by with no meaning to me.

"Do I really have to go?" I asked not looking up.

"Yes. It's much better than home schooling and you'll meet new people. Trust me you'll love it." Watanuki said patting my leg.

"Yeah. I'll love being called fat lazy lizard. SO excited." I said sarcastically huffing. "If anyone gives you that kind of issue you can tell anyone of the teachers for help. They are very nice." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"They will love me because of you. Not because I'm myself." Watanuki flicked my ear and I flinched.

"Stop being negative Varanus. You'll be fine and I'll be there. OK?" I didn't respond. "Hey look at me." I looked over at him not moving my head.

"You'll be safe. I love you and won't let you be hurt. Understood?" I nodded and Watanuki kissed my forehead. "Good. Now get your study guide out. We need to finish the last chapter before school starts."

At school

We finally made it to the Academy and Watanuki left me saying he needed to start his work. I simply nodded and walked alone exploring the area. Everything intrigued me. All the classes and arrangements. It was cool. Especially the Library. I finally made it to my dorm and threw my stuff on the top bunk claiming it as my own.

"Are you new?" Asked a sweet voice. I turned and saw a girl with short brown hair and another with blue hair. I tilted my head at them.

"Yes I am. Why do you ask?" I looked at the girls as the brown haired one smiled.

"We are too! I'm Neko Futuka and this is my friend Miiko Suzuhara!" The girl said cheerfully and I watched her bow slightly.

"Don't worry about formality. I don't like it myself but thanks anyway. I'm Varanus. Watanuki's youngest sister." I said nodding to them. "He's a Homeroom teacher."

"Oh! It's nice to meet you! I'm excited to dorm with you." Neko said and placed her stuff on the bed.

"Is this your stuff on the top bunk?" Asked Miiko. I nodded and she sniffed slightly then hissed.

"It smells like a stinky lizard!" I felt anger attack my nerves.

"I'm a reptile yes. And I don't stink. I simply smell like the rest of us reptiles." I said bluntly and Miiko walked up to me. She sniffed me then pulled her hand back swinging it forward. I caught it with ease and squeezed tightly.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me." I said harshly then released her hand. She quickly retreated behind Neko noticing my hostility.

"What animal are you?" Asked Neko smiling. I thought to myself considering telling her then shrugged.

"I'm a Komodo Dragon." I said blankly.

"What is that?" Neko asked.

"A mean lazy lizard." Miiko said making me glare at her.

"A Komodo Dragon is a giant lizard known for inhabiting the islands Komodo, Gili Motang, Flores and finally Padar. They are active but not like others." I explained as Miiko hid further behind Neko.

"That's interesting. I can't wait to room with you for the next few years." I nodded to her and agreed.

I watched the two work around the room as I rested on my bed. They where setting up the things they brought from home which I had already done while speaking with them. I hung my leg and arm off the ledge of my bed looking out the window and thought to myself. Neko seemed sweet enough but Miiko might get on my nerves more often. Still this school might be a great change for me after all. Only time can tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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