Chapter 12: The Age of Becoming ceremony and going years back into the past

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- Aidan's Prov
Today's my Age of Becoming and I'm actually a tiny bit nervous because this is the day where I'm finally going to have my first CHI and I just really wish mom, dad and Li'Ara were here because they'd be so proud but I'm pretty sure Grandfather Lagravis, Grandfather Tormak and Great Uncle Lavertus are proud of me but I'm not gonna bother asking them because that would basically make me look needy and I don't even come close to being needy but right now I'm in the training area and practicing my spell casting and for practicing Protego I borrowed the machine that shoots tennis balls and I sometimes get Protego wrong but I mostly get it right and when I was in the middle of practicing the Patronus Charm I heard the roar of the CHI ceremony and I remembered that I'm the one who's been picked as the one who's reached the age to CHI up at any time and I realized that I'm gonna be late if I don't leave to the sacred Pool of CHI right now so I left the training area and I closed my eyes and when I opened them they started glowing white "SPEED!" I yelled and I started using my Elemental Power of Speed to get there faster and when I was outside the entrance to the Lion Temple I stopped using my powers because the last time I used my powers inside I nearly accidentally broke one of the pillars of the Temple so Grandfather Lagravis grounded me from using my powers inside so I ran into the Temple without using my powers because I'm still grounded so I ran really fast in the Temple to Grandfather Lagravis because now I'm as fast as a ninja from Master Lloyd's training and I saw Grandfather Tormak and Great Uncle Lavertus where Grandfather Lagravis was and they saw me running to them so I slowed down a bit "Aidan, what are you doing?" Grandfather Lagravis asked me "Your Age of Becoming ceremony is starting, this is a big day for you" said Grandfather Lagravis and when I got to him I slowed down then stopped in front Grandfather Lagravis "Yeah, I know Grandfather, my first CHI, and becoming like a true lion warrior, even though I'm a human" I told him "Sorry Grandpa, I was in the training area, practicing my spell casting, but I'm ready now" I explained to Grandfather Lagravis "And your harness? did you lose it?" Grandfather Lagravis asked me "My harness?" I asked "Oh, no, I didn't lose it Grandpa, because I know exactly where it is" I told Grandfather Lagravis then I ran to my room and I was shocked because my harness wasn't where I left it "Oh no" I said worried a little then I started searching my room for my harness "Oh, great, where is that harness?" I asked looking around everywhere in my room "Today is clearly not the day this happens" I said still looking around "Okay, I'm just gonna do this the easy way" I said then I pulled out my wand "Accio CHI harness!" I exclaimed then flicked my wand and my harness flew out from under my bed and flew to me and I caught it "I don't remember putting it under my bed" I said then I shrugged it off and put my wand away and I have a bag with an enchantment I got Rose to put on it called an Undetectable Extension Charm and I put a tent in there and some potions that Rose made for me that she said should prove very helpful and I put a Katana Master Lloyd let me keep for my training and Rose taught me some spells that should help if I needed to use them and some powerful protective spells and I still wonder why Rose is in Gryffindor and not Ravenclaw because she basically taught me some N.E.W.T standard spells and this year we're in our O.W.Ls (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) year and where fifth years are chosen to become prefects and I'm not a prefect but Jason and Rose are and I also wrote down the spells Rose taught me on a notebook so I put that in the bag and in my first year for Christmas Grandfather Lagravis got me an Invisibility Cloak so that's in the bag and also Master Lloyd gave me my first real Green Ninja suit so I put that in the bag and Rose also taught me the Scouring Charm Scourgify which is a cleaning spell so that should be handy if I need to clean something and I went to Hogwarts to the library and borrowed the copies of the Standard Book of Spells Grade 6 and 7 so if I decide to go and look for my family and save them I can teach myself the spells I have to learn but I already know quite a bit of more powerful offensive and defensive spells so I should be good and I put my Firebolt in the bag and when I started my training after a few weeks of learning different attacks and blocks Grandfather Lagravis got me a workout dummy which I didn't name like how dad named his "Sir Punch A Lot" or like how Great Uncle Lavertus named his "Sir Kicks A Lot" I did not name my workout dummy but I do use it a lot so I used the Shrinking Charm Reducio on my workout dummy and put it in my bag and I didn't make it to small that I won't be able to see it I made it small enough to fit in my hand like the size of an action figure so that's how small it is and I also put a bottle full of water in it and if I run out of water I could use my Elemental Power of Water to refill it and to make sure I don't forget all the spells I learned I wrote all of them down in the notebook in my bag and I put a sleeping bag and a pillow in the bag and I made sure to put in a change of clothes in the bag and I also know the Bandaging Charm Ferula and when I use it it conjures up bandages and wraps whatever wound you have in bandages so that should be useful and I can just use my Elemental Power of Nature to create my own food and when I got the tent that's in my bag I got Jason's dad to enchant my tent to make it like a mini house on the inside but a tent on the outside and I wrote down the enchantment mr. Danvers used in my notebook so I can use it but anyway I grabbed my bag because after I have my Age of Becoming and have my first CHI I'm pretty sure that I'll be ready to go look, find and save my family so right now I'm going downstairs and I still have my bag and I'm trying to put my harness on properly and when I made it to the sacred Pool of CHI everyone was waiting for me so I sneaked past some lions and I was next to both Grandfather Tormak and Great Uncle Lavertus and I was checking if I got my harness on right "Glad you could make it for the most important day of your life" said Grandfather Lagravis then I walked up to him "Sorry Grandpa, this dum distracted me" I told Grandfather Lagravis and I was right behind him and he turned around and I wiggled a little uncomfortably and tried straightening the straps and Grandfather Lagravis helped me with my harness because a shoulder pad plate on it was crooked so he straightened it for me while I was a bit busy straightening the straps then Grandfather Lagravis sighed "You only reach the Age of Becoming once, Grandson" said Grandfather Lagravis "I know that, Grandpa" I replied "Today, you stop acting like a young child, and become like a true lion" said Grandfather Lagravis "I know that too, Grandfather" I replied "A true warrior, who might lead this whole tribe someday" said Grandfather Lagravis "I..." I started "I know that I'll make you proud Grandpa" I told him then Grandfather Lagravis went to the Pool of CHI and pulled an orb out "Whoa" I whispered then Grandfather Lagravis turned to me with a CHI orb in his hands/paws "My grandson Aidan, for the first time, you shall take an orb of CHI, place it in your chest, and feel the power of nature itself, the all mighty life force of Chima" said Grandfather Lagravis and he handed me the orb "Amazing" I whispered when I had the CHI in my hands "Uh- I mean" I corrected myself then I turned to everyone here then I held up the orb of CHI in the air with one hand "FOR CHIMA!" I exclaimed and Grandfather Lagravis told me that this reminds him of my father's Age of Becoming and after I exclaimed what I said everyone started cheering for me and I was about to CHI up for the first time but then there was a really loud bang and the ground started shaking uncontrollably that made me fall and I dropped the CHI and then some kind of weird portal thing opened and I wasn't familiar at all with this kind of portal but without any warning it started sucking things in and I was really close to it and my legs started rising then I started getting dragged to the portal "WHAT IN THE NAME OF CAVORA!?" I basically screamed then I pulled out my wand "CARPE RETRACTUM!" I yelled then I flicked my wand at the floor and casted the spell and it was holding me away from the portal but it just kept sucking things in and it apparently broke the spell and Grandfather Lagravis saw me getting sucked in so he ran to me and grabbed my hand with both of his hands/paws and was trying to pull me away from the portal and I held onto him and he didn't dare let me go but I realized that the portal won't stop until I go through it so I looked at the portal then back at Grandfather Lagravis and a tear streamed down my face "I love you, Grandfather" I told him then I let go of him but he didn't let go and I was slipping out of his grip "NO! AIDAN, I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE YOU TOO!" Grandfather Lagravis yelled at me and kept trying to hold onto me and pull me away from the portal but I was slipping out of his grip then after a little while I got out of his grip and got pulled into the portal "NO!!" roared Grandfather Lagravis and I saw that he tried to grab me again but couldn't "I LOVE YOU GRANDFATHER LAGRAVIS!" I yelled to him then I went through the portal and right after it sucked me in it closed "NO! AIDAN!!!" roared Grandfather Lagravis and the inside of the portal was so weird "WHAT IS THIS!?" I yelled into the portal but clearly no one can hear me because I'm the only one here.

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