Five Nights at Gary's : Details

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Alright!!! As I said, this chapter has the details for my AU, as well as some backstory!
Freddy: Gary
Bonnie: Avocato
Chica: Me (yes, I died too)
Mangle (sorta): Little Cato
Foxy: Quinn and Tribore
Golden Freddy: John Goodspeed (aka for those who didn't know, or watched the show, he's Gary's dad)
SpringTrap: idk. Im still working on who to put here.
Freddy Fazzbear's Pizza Parlor: Gary Goodspeed's Pizza Parlor.

Nick names for the characters from the night guards that survived:
Gary: "Scary" Goodspeed
Avocato: Creepy Cat dude or "Have you seen my boy?"
Me: Tori-fied (play on the word terrified)
Little Cato: Little Shit
Quinn: Guns-out, fun's out
Tribore: Repeat Scare-Tactic

Funny things that happen:
1: Because Avocato always moves first, Little Cato crawls through the vents to find him. Sometimes, Avocato is on one side of the security office, and Little Cato is on the other. And when they see each other, their eyes go back to the way they are during the day, they smile, and they just rush to get back to each other. Frickin adorable. And the night guard is totally forgotten for a bit.
2: Sometimes, when all of them are active, they run into each other in the hallways and they just have some friendly conversations, and give hugs. Soft boys. They all have soft spots for their little friend-family. And they also plot to get the night guard.
3. Whenever they see the night guard, they always have something different to say. Sometimes they're asking to play cards, or Quinn is asking for help on a project, or Gary is asking if they would like to do "The Clasp of Friends", and of course the Catos asking if the night guard has seen the other. They're all just absolute dorks. And Gary tends to be a bit lonely.
4. When Gary is standing outside the window, and the light is turned on, he would get startled, and say, " HOLY CRAP! That just came out of friggin nowhere!" or something along the lines of that.

Outfit details:
For Gary, his jacket, is just an almost exact replica of his bomber jacket, and he takes it off before waking around the restaurant. He also seems to wear a necklace that matches mine occasionally.
Avocato: his shirt and metal collar are also almost exact replicas, but made for the animatronic version of him.
Little Cato: his skirt is made of fabric, as is the sorta turtleneck collar of his tank top, and his belt is made of faux leather. Sorta makes him look more realistic, even if he is made of metal.
Quinn: her headband is just an identical headband that was found at the store, and her belt is real.
Tribore: his gloves and boots are real. (That's all Im gonna say for that)
Me: Like Avocato, my shirt is also real, and people find it weird that I have a different shirt every once in a while. And people also would find it weird that occasionally, I would wear jewelry.

Some backstory:
After the breach in space had been closed for a while, Tori, had the idea of opening a pizzeria with animatronic versions of her and her friends. It was designed to be a happy reminder of the people and aliens that risked their lives to save the planet.
It was during the part of the mission that the crew was getting the anti matter bomb from NYC, that Gary saw a sorta familiar face. A face that he hadn't seen since he was a teen. His childhood friend Tori, who was also his neighbor before he was put in a foster home. Turns out, Tori had no way of escaping the once inhabited planet of Earth. So, he took her with them and introduced her to the others.
When Tori had showed them the pizzeria on opening day, of course they were flattered, and had stayed a bit later that they should have.
Even though Tori had made sure that the plot of land wasn't an ancient burial ground, there was something not right that happened that night.
Someone in the old gang Gary had been in, was a mad scientist and the group had been out to get revenge on Gary for "betraying them". So once they had heard that there was a new pizzeria for kids named after the person they were out to get, they had a plan. And that plan was to kill the former thief in the very restaurant named after him.
The group hadn't expected for Gary to have company in the restaurant that night, and they couldn't have any witnesses, so, the mad scientist had an idea of having the "witch doctor/ voodoo guy" get a way to have the souls of all the people there, trapped inside the very robotic versions that were standing on stage.
They snuck inside the building and knocked everyone out.

When the crew had woken up, they were all tied to separate tables that were used to repair the animatronics.

And of course, Gary had recognized them. And before they knew it, Gary, the dork that made sure they all smiled,... was DEAD. And they were all picked off one by one.

The police were there at the crime scene the next morning. Trying to investigate who had killed the rag-tag group of heroes. None of the bodies were found... there was a place where the cops hadn't checked... the animatronics... The people had no idea... that the bodies of the people who saved them, were stuffed into the very suits that looked like them...

When the Galaxy One crew had finally woken up... they recognized where they were... they were on stage... being forced to play songs which they had wrote themselves...

At night, there was a new night guard, and Avocato was the first one to realize that he was awake and could control the now metal body his soul possessed. The others weren't awake, and he didn't know how to wake them up. He. Had roamed around the pizzeria for a bit, when he had heard a scared squeal. And he had walked to the source of the noise, and tried to talk to them, but, they just closed the door and locked him out... 'If that's what it's gonna be like, just wait till the others wake up...'

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