chapter 13

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Diana chapter 13

I had woken up to lots of beeping going on around me. I tired opening tenure but the lights were too bright. When they finally adjusted to the light I noticed I was in a hospital. Than everything cam back to me.

Me cutting myself.

Niall coming in and stopping me.

Niall taking the rest of the pills from me.

Everything from that night came back. I looked around the room and saw a worried looking Niall in the seat right across from my bed.

I looked to the other side and noticed my parents sleeping painfully. They looked happy or was I just imagining things?

I turned my head to the ceiling. My body was aching badly and the pain seemed unbearable. I have never felt so much pain in my life. Me being bullied isn't even as bad as this.

I guess I was too focused on the pain because I hadn't noticed when Niall walked beside me. I looked at him. He looked at me. I could tell every emotion that was there in his eyes but I wanted to know why.

But before I could ask he had spoken," I see you've woken up now. Glad to know you're ok."

I opened my mouth to try to speak again only to find out my mouth was dry like the Sahara. I pointed to the cup of water that was next to my bed. Niall picked it up and gently brought it to my lips so I could drink.

When I thought I had enough I nodded my head. Then I asked,"how long was I out?" He looked like he didn't want to tell me but continued to look at him."A week," he said glancing down. It looked like his eyes had started to water.

When he didn't look back up I asked one that was important.

" why did you save me from trying to kill myself I was doing everything right. If you left me I wouldn't have to deal with anymore pain and everyone would be better off without me. "

His head snapped up so quickly I thought it was gonna break. He looked like I had said something horrible. It took him a minute to reply because I guess he was thinking of the words he could say carefully without waking my parents.

"Because I wouldn't be able to live without you. I know I just met you but considering I went through the same thing as you I know how it feels and ever since I've met you I've felt complete. I stopped self harming and even started taking classes. All because you made me change without even doing anything. You being here is enough for me. Those people right there," referring to my parents" they may act as though they won't miss you but trust me they will. When they found out you were hospitalized they left that important school board meeting to come see you. And when they saw what you did to yourself they started crying and ever since then they've been by your side. They've cancelled all of their plans and haven't even moved to go eat or drink anything."

I was shocked at everything he was saying. I couldn't believe this. He used to be bullied also? There were so many things going through my head it took me a while to respond.

He sat back down in his chair and that's when I heard my parents come next to the bed.

"Oh my goodness sweetie. How are you feeling?" My dad asked looking concerned. I studied my mom and him and they did look like all their life had been drained out of him.

" I'm doing good dad." I said giving them my best weak smile. " I should give you guys some privacy." Hi all said walking out of the room. I looked at him and saw his eyes were watery.

" you had us worried for a second kiddo. We thought you would never wake up. Don't know what we would do without you" my mom said giving me a weak smile like she was gonna cry and moving my hair from my face.

diana( one direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now