The Gem Friends

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Among all the beautiful flowers,

Stands out the blooming one.

Some eyes can't see it,

While the others tend to ignore.

For how many days will it stay hidden?

Eventually one day it will rise and be exposed.

Similarly, gems can't be kept hidden,

Through its shine it will rise, shimmer and standout.

Stones aren't the only entitled with Gems,

There are gems among you, you will have to forage them.

Every friend circle will have a gem,

Through their beautiful features they will make others flare too.

Start valuing your friends, who are gems,

It's not yet late but it can be.

Beware of the haters; they will try to destroy you,

Don't give them a chance; cover your bad days with a smile.

Don't let them dominate you instead change them into you!


Dedicated to all my lovely friends including you!

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