Chapter 11

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Popee looked at Keda in a slight shock. "That's your dad, right?" I asked as Popee immediately looked down at me. "Yea and I don't want him here." He sounded slightly annoyed. He looked over at Keda standing by the tent entrance awkwardly. "You can go." Popee sighed, pushing himself off of me. Keda walked out. I sat up and lightly leaned against Popee. "Why don't you like him?" Popee looked off to the side, leaning forward. "He doesn't care about me. He only cares about the circus and how I perform." He put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "He's better than me and knows it. He doesn't say it, but I can tell he knows what he's doing." I smiled.

"You're better than me, but you care about me, right? You perform and show off, don't you? You know you're better than me and I know you are. Maybe the only reason he cares more about you performing is that its only connection you two have." Popee shrugged his shoulders and pulled me closer. "Maybe, I guess." I laughed slightly at his reply. I saw him smile. 

"Well, I think you need to say hello to your dad. He's the reason you're living somewhat of your circus dreams." I said, standing up. He nodded slightly. "Yea, maybe, I guess." I laughed again as he smirked, grabbing my hand, and walked out of the tent with me by his side.


"Dad," I was still in the hospital, my last day, and Dad's opinion on the circus didn't change. "I want to perform. Please. That circus, it made me realize what I want to do." He shook his head, head in hands. "It's just a phase. By next year, you'll want to be an artist or a doctor." He mumbled in his hands. "Do you not care about my dream to perform?" I began to feel mad and irritated with him myself. "No! No, I don't! I care about you! Not backflips or...or...knife juggling!" He began to yell, looking down, "I care about you making friends, being happy, I care about you."

"You have a better chance than I did. You have more opportunities, a better education, and you want to be in a circus." He looked down at me in disappointment. "Yes, yes I do," I said, making direct eye contact with him. He took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

"Get the cameras out of my face!" I heard him yell from the other side of the door. Great, another interview. 


"Popee!" I heard the man in front of Keda say once we walked out of the tent. "I would have come sooner, but Keda was stalling." I looked up at Popee. He rolled his eyes, tightening his grip on my hand. "Who's this?" He pointed to me with a never fading smile. "Our newest circus member," Popee stated in a formal tone. "(Y/N) has been a great addition to this rundown junkyard." He said, smirking at me.

"Well, you're girlfriend seems a little shy from the lack of words."Papi narrowed his eyes at me. "What?!" Popee said. His face was red. I couldn't hold back my laugh. "Do I know you?" Papi asked. "The name (Y/N) sounds familiar." He then jumped up, clapping his hands together with a wider smile. "(L/N)!" He began to bounce up and down. "You were such a sweet little girl! You would be perfect for my baby boy!" He said, patted Popee's head. I began to laugh more. Popee lets go of my hand, crossing his arms with a blush. 

"You're so beautiful and Popee is so not! You'll make up for it, though! No worries, no worries." I smiled as Popee blush just continued to grow. "I mean, she is but I wanna be the only one to tell her," Popee mumbled. Papi gasped. "Girl, speak!" I looked up at Popee to see him looking at me. He sighed and nodded his head towards Papi. "Okay?" I said as Papi gasped again. "Woah! Your voice definitely makes up for his annoying rambling." He put a hand to his cheek in a dramatic style. "He's such a bragger!" 

"Well, um, Papi, don't you want to get some sleep or something," Keda said. I just realized he had been awkwardly watching the chaos unfold. "Oh, yes!" Papi gasped. "Carry my bags, Mr. Mono." He said dramatically, with one hand on his hip. "Goodbye now, young ones!" He began to walk off with Keda carrying his bags from behind.

"Fun," I smirked at Popee. "What?" He asked, a light blush still visible on his face. "Your dad is going to be fun."

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