Chapter 4

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Hey guys and gals its Colin alive from dying. Its been a busy summer for me so I haven't been able to write so I hope you enjoy this.



I open my eyes to my world. In True Kamui, the user uses chakra in order to project a mental landscape that parallels the way they think and feel. The first users of this ability had summoned a desert filled with infinite swords.  Its kind of like a physical genjutsu like Tsukuyomi except for the pain and any physical damage remains. That makes it a perfect training ground.

My dimension is a mountain of swords. Since the True Kamui represents a person's state of mind, it represents my eternal climb to prove that I can surpass anything.

"So what now?" Kurama asked as she appeared next to me in her human form.

"I have an idea for my seals," I said as cryptically as possible.

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"Something I can use."

"Dammit Naruto, tell me!"

I grinned at how angry she was getting.

"I'm going to make it so that I can project and enlarge my seals. That way I can shoot swords out of my seals. Kind of like how I generate True Kamui's portal but so I can obliterate people with the swords I have stored up. Maybe also train with the sword styles of the Chakra Swords. Oh and get good with a bow and arrow."

"What kind of a maniac uses swords as projectile weapons?!"

"... Cool guys with gold armor and white hair."

"You have neither of those!!!"

"It's fine one of them has blond hair."

She groans and says, "I'm taking a nap. Your stupidity is giving me a headache."

"Love you too?"



I was crying so hard. My little boy hates me. I didn't see how much we were neglecting him until now. What kind of a mother am I? I caused my little boy to kill himself! Or try to.

I hear my door creep open and saw my little girls Mito and Naruko open the door. Their eyes red from crying. They walk in and they were holding a letter from Naruto. They crush me in a hug and hand me the letter. I start to read it.

My "Family"

I hope you realize the damage you have caused. You fucked up my head so much I no longer thought I was a human. The people that are supposed to love me unconditionally were the ones that forced me to commit suicide. You're lucky that Tsunade saved me. Otherwise, the Uzumaki's would be one step closer to extinction. I have some words to say to all of you. One at a time.

Jiraiya Jr.,

You will never be as fast as me. Even with your petty Kekkei Genkai. Your Swift Style isn't as great as you think. Your arrogance pisses me off to no end. Even if you can't be as fast as me, I want you to protect our sisters. They can be as great as me.


You were my favorite. Don't get me wrong I still hate you, but you weren't as arrogant as Naruko and Jiraiya Jr. were. You understood that there were others that were as rare as  You cared about me in a tsundere kind of way and I appreciated that. It was nice knowing my family wasn't completely made of monsters. Though you were still a bit of a bitch, I still appreciate you, don't look for me. Look out for your sister.


Your chains can't keep me down. I can't be sealed. You are too arrogant to keep a level head. Despite that, you are my sister. I'll miss you. Try to defeat me though with your petty chains and die or look out for my Mito.


You were supposed to be my mother. A caring force that was brutal to others when I got hurt. Instead of looking after me you beat me after I was beaten by villagers. I tried to love regardless. But you hit me over and over again. You sealed my room when dinner time came, you never trained me, and worst of all you never loved me. I was too different from your perfect children. Even though all of that, I still love you.


Never search for me again.


Naruto Uzumaki

Oh, Naruto how much have I pushed you away?


I groaned in frustration. I have no idea how to form the jutsu I'm looking for. The combinations I tried all failed.

"Oh? Can you not figure this out?" I hear a guy question behind me.

I turn and see a tall white-haired man with tan skin. His eyes were milky grey and he wore something like my outfit.

"Who are you?"

"I am the progenitor of True Kamui as you call it. Though my term for it is Unlimited Blade Works."

"What would you suggest?"

"Simple you are restricting your mana, or chakra as you call it, too much. By going through more hand seals you restrict your chakra. You need to make it open. Instead of using hand seals, clap your hands and come up with a phrase to bring out the chakra."

I scoffed and tried his idea.

"The phrase has to relate to what you want to do with the ability. For example, I copy the swords in True Kamui and bring them out. I say 'Trace on'."

I clapped my hands and thought of what I wanted to do. I wanted to create seals for my swords to come out of. Even though I'm against saying my jutsu names it's needed.

"Seal Projection Jutsu," As soon as I said that around one hundred seals flowed out of my hands and spread out across me.

"How boring. 'Seal Projection Jutsu'"

"Can it whoever you are."

He gave me a shit-eating smirk and faded away into blue particles.

After that happened the seals receded into nothingness and I called a sword to me. The sword was the Fire Sword. It was a red katana with a fire shaped guard. It was a gift from the daimyo for protecting him and saving his daughter. I summoned a scroll that had the techniques for it and I sighed as I realized this was going to be a long four years.

(A/N) How was that? Comment if you liked the chapter and tell your friends, please.

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