Troubles a Brewin?

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Back at Seventh Mist, Leone Jaeger, Aquos, Mikoto Misaka, Kuroko Shirai, Kazari Uiharu and the officers of Anti-skill is on a stand still to an unknown person whom has wierd armour donning on her body

The armour looks like it has been created with dragon scales... Even though dragon scales or dragons in general....... Never existed outside of fiction"

"Now let my comrades go!!" demanded the girl, "or this girl gets it!!"

The girl she mentioned is Ruriko Saten, which is being used as leverage from all of them and as a hostile

"Let my comrades go or this girl gets it!!"

"He-hehehe" Saten said in a scared tone, "h-hey guys"

The Anti-skill soldiers pointed their guns directly at the girl but, the girl retaliated by pointing at a very sharp claw at Saten's neck

"Don't think so bub!!"

Leone went forward, puts his hands on his pocket and spoke

"Who in the nine realms are you?"

"Oh no one just someone who will say" Leone smirked as he looked at Saten, "initiate code: Sariel!!"

Saten's body glowed a white light, anyone who seem this sight would say it's a magical girl

Due to the fact Saten's Clothes and Hair transformed, her hair is now a white and the accessory is two antennae from a mech, her clothes are now white with metallic fragments on the hems, think of a backless white dress for a prom but she wore a mini-skirt and the dress splits from the part near her belly button and goes down the sides of her knees then goes around it, when the light came to... Saten... Has now transformed, and became Sariel

"What the hell!?" asked the girl in dragon armor

"Saten turn around and then say fire!" Leone yelled really loud and layed on the floor, "everyone hit the deck!!"

Saten actually turned herself around facing the girl in dragon armor, and yelled: "FIRE!!"

A set of three laser barels appeared out of no where and fired at maximum output, making the girl in dragon armor flew to the otherside of the room, exploding in smoke

But the blast actually caused a bit of collateral damage

Saten got on one knee panting due to exhaustion

"Wh-what was that?!" Saten asked with exhaustion in her voice

"Nice link starter" said a voice from the smoke, "then we should have ourselves a duel?!"

Saten backed away when the dragon armoured lady moved towards her, Saten now struck with fear, couldn't move a muscle

Leone then moved in front of Saten while the dragon lady pointed her hand towards Saten and yelled: "ASHENTE!!"

A white lazer like line pointed out from the dragon lady's link starter towards the metal armbands of Leone

Both are now encased in an invisble dome like arena which is where both Linkers fight each other

"Never expected to see you again" The dragon Lady spat, "King of Games, or should I say Ace Hamilton!"

Leone just smirked while saying: "Link Start!!"

He was incased in three rings of light, as the light shone on his different body parts, new atricle of clothing appeared and exchanged it from his old clothing, and after the light show went out, Leone is now wearing a coat as a cape, a white polo shirt and black jeans with matching black and white sneakers, the coat has white out lines, on his waist a Katana is hung ready to be drawn

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