Chapter Sixteen;

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Chapter Sixteen

"Are you sure there is nothing that we can bring with us?"

Jensen patted your arm from the back seat of the SUV, but he didn't look at you. Probably because you were starting to sound like a crazy person. "Y/N, please breathe," he said softly, still patting you like a man nervous to anger his cat. "I've asked Jared several times, per your request, if there was anything that he needed for tonight. Each time he's told me that Gen has it all taken care of."

You sighed feeling more useless that a sack of potatoes. "I just don't want to walk in empty handed."

"Trust me, the fact that I'm bringing you over is all they want."

Chewing your bottom lip you thought about the shit show that this night could become. "What if Gen hates me?"

Now he looked at you, his eyes focused hard on you in the dimness of the car. "What is with you thinking that everyone is going to hate you?"

"It's just.. it's a thing I have okay."

"No, no, you don't get to give me some vague half assed answer. I'm asking you, what is your deal?"

That was not the kind of personal question you were expecting to answer tonight. But then again, who was to say that Gen and Jared wouldn't grill you with a million questions of their own. "Can I get a rain check on my answer?"

Jensen stopped rubbing your hand, only to remove his hand completely and cross his arms like a child getting ready to throw a tantrum. His eyes stayed solidly on you. "I will not get out of this vehicle until I get an answer."

You stared back at him, all the while going back and forth about whether or not to give him an honest answer. There was no way that he would know if you were lying or not, but at the same time you felt like it wouldn't be fair to the little game that you had invented for the two of you. It was the kind of question that you avoided at all costs when someone asked you, and it wasn't the first time this has caused an issue in the past.

Your lip was starting to hurt with how hard you were biting into it. "If I'm being honest, this isn't the easiest thing in the world for me to talk about, but I can promise you that it extends more than my high school boyfriend's mother hating me."

He uncrossed his arms and leaned forward with his elbows on his thighs, sealing your fate of this answer he so desperately needed; apparently. "I'm all ears."

"You can't take a hint, can you?"

"Can't say I've always been the listening type," he teased.

Your hands were getting ridiculously sweaty. It was actually starting to annoy you with how the anxiety was starting to settle in your chest. What was making it worse was the fact that you couldn't pin point if it was because of what was happening on this night or because of this conversation. Or both.

"You can blame my father."

Jensen's eyebrow quirked a tad, but whatever he was thinking in that minute, he wasn't showing it in his expression. His face was neutral, but you did notice that his crossed arms relaxed just a tad. "My parents separated when I was really little, like maybe about two or three. Just young enough that I wouldn't quite remember, but enough that I could ask questions when I was older. Questions about how a man that I thought I had dreamt up some nights wasn't around anymore."

"Sorry to hear about your parents separating," he said softly, his arms completely uncrossed now.

You turned your stare out the window, noticing that the car had turned from the highway into a more suburban looking neighborhood. It meant that you were getting closer to the Padalecki residence.

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