Chapter Three; the conversation

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Ashton knew he was crazy. From asking a stranger to fake a relationship, to spending all his money, still owing that ticket, to even kissing Luke in the backseat of his car while watching over the city. Of course it was just practice so it looked real for everybody else.

As soon as the two males pulled away, they missed the warm feeling of each other's soft lips on each other. It wasn't a matter of liking each other, they both just liked the feeling of kissing somebody.

"We should get something to eat." Luke stated, crawling back up to the front seat, lips a little swollen and bruised. Ashton bit his lip and nodded, getting up into the passengers seat as well.

"I'm starving." He added, picking at the hem of his shirt. Luke started the car, immediately pulling into the road. The radio played M83's Midnight City in the background, and Ashton thought this moment couldn't be anymore like a movie.

In fact his whole life seemed like a movie.

As the two pulled into the diner that was open twenty-four-seven, Ashton's stomach grumbled. Luke gave him a laugh, and the two headed inside, excited to grab a bite to eat.

"So we never really got to know each other," Luke began. Ashton didn't think about it, but now he was realizing he didn't even know Luke's favorite color. "Tell me about yourself." Luke said as he ate a fry. Ashton smiled, taking a sip of his strawberry milkshake.

"Well I work as a waiter, I have a sister and a brother.." Ashton rambled on before Luke stopped him.

"No no, tell me something you're passionate about. This isn't twenty questions. I wanna know your dreams." Luke laughed, sliding his hand across the table to rest in Ashton's. Ashton blushed, feeling Luke rub circles on the top of his knuckles.

"Well I've always enjoyed drawing," he spoke quietly. He's never really told anyone that. He really did like art, but after his art teacher in eleventh grade told him his piece wasn't good enough, he stopped doing it. "It made me calm."

Luke hummed and nodded.

"Why'd you stop?"

"Cause it wasn't good." Ashton said, pulling his hand away from Luke. He was getting embarrassed and his cheeks were getting red. Ashton was a very forward person, but he hated talking about himself. It made him feel conceited and it made him feel like he was bragging.

"Now I doubt that." Luke got up and sat on Ashton's side of the booth. He slid his hand onto Ashton's thigh, and Ashton looked up at his gleaming blue eyes. The two just stared at each other.

It was as if they were magnets, then connecting as they slowly kissed.

Luke was beginning to feel like he shouldn't have to fake his love for Ashton.


Four days until the wedding

Ashton woke up groaning. It was nine thirty, and he really didn't want to get up for work. He and Luke had tons of drinks last night, and he felt like shit.

"Fucking hell." he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes with fists. He then pulled back his duvet, heading to his bathroom to brush his teeth. He finished getting ready, looking at himself in the mirror in his room. His uniform consisted of black skinny jeans, a white button up, and all black converse. His boss didn't enjoy the shoe choice but when Ashton showed up in slippers one time, his boss decided it was better than nothing.

Ashton made his way to the kitchen, smiling as his phone dinged. He knew it was Luke.

As he unlocked his phone, his heart melted at the message. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough to make Ashton blush.

Have a good day at work, beautiful xx

Ashton responded quickly, before heading out the door and to his car. Today was going to be long.

"Welcome to Syd's, my name's Ashton and I'll be your waiter for today. Can I start you off with any drinks?" Ashton asked politely. It was a family of four, a mom, a dad, and two siblings who looked like twins.

Ashton wrote down their orders before heading to the back. He handed the orders to the chef in the back, before starting to make his way back out to the tables.

"Irwin, a word." His boss called from the room located in the back. Ashton furrowed his eyebrows, before slowly turning around and making his way into the small office. His boss never called him into his office unless it was bad news or to complain.

He didn't do anything wrong.

"Yes sir?" He asked, closing the door. His boss, Terry Nelson, was almost in his fifties, but was balding pretty fast. He wasn't that good looking, and he had an awful personality. Surprisingly he was married.

"Take a seat," he spoke before leaning back in his own chair. Ashton bit his lip before sitting in the chair across from Terry. "Do you know why I've called you back here Ashton?" He asked, lacing his fingers together. Ashton gave him a confused look, shaking his head.


"I've been asked to make some budget cuts," Terry began, standing up and making his way around the desk. He leaning against the corner of it, before looking Ashton straight in the eyes. "I can make sure you aren't cut if you do me a favor?" He asked lowly.

Ashton opened his mouth to speak, before Terry cut him off again.

"After all, I know you like working here, Ash..."

Ashton shuddered at the nickname Terry called his before moving his chair back a little.

"What favor are you talking about?" Ashton whispered. He had an idea but he didn't want to believe that's what Terry was talking about.

"I think you know." Terry leaned down and played with one of Ashton's curls. Ashton smacked Terry's hand away. "What's wrong babe? Just a little handjob is all. I know you're gay...." Terry spoke softly. Ashton felt like throwing up.

"You're such a perv!" Ashton stood up quickly, pushing Terry's hands away from him. Who knows where those have been. "Fuck you! You can't just ask me that so I can keep my job! Who the hell do you think you are?" Ashton spat, turning towards the door. He stopped, before turning around and walking back up to Terry.

Before his boss could even understand what was going on, Ashton raised a hand and brought it to the older mans cheek, slapping as hard as he could.

"You can keep the fucking shirt, it was cheap as hell anyways." Ashton threw the shirt with his name etched in it on the ground, and walked out of the restaurant completely shirtless. He didn't care about the awkward looks, he only cared about meeting Luke and telling him everything.

Oh god this took forever! I'm so sorry for not updating anything in a while I've just been really busy lol! But I'm back I promise!

Please tell me you like this story :(

Anyways, how about Ashton's boss huh?

Hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment or whatever haha!


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