Chapter 15

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                        Collie POV

Tommy was mad at me and i need to find out why. Today was my first back to school and i was kinda happy. I mean I'll be able to see Tommy. But i can't be kissing him in front of everyone. I don't won't anyone at school to know im gay.

Ben's mom came to pick me up to take me and Ben to school. When we got school i spotted Tommy right away. He was hanging out with Tyler and Ryan. I guess there going public because they were holding hands. Tommy's back was to me so i ran over and tapped his right shoulder then moved to his left. He looked over but didn't see anyone there then he looked me. "Hey baby." i said so no one could hear me but him. He didn't say anything he just looked forward complete ignoring me. "Uh so do you want to come to my house after school?" i asked him. But he didn't answer. He didn't even look at me. "Why are you ignoring me?" but he still didn't respond.

The bell ringed and Tommy got up and left without even looking back at me. Tyler and Ryan left too. I guess I'll just have to ask Ryan in first hour. I put my stuff in my locker and went to my first hour. Ryan was sitting by Tyler but there was an empty set next to him. I went to sit by him. "Uh, Ryan? Do you know why Tommy is ignoring me?" i asked quietly. He turn to me with hate in his eyes. "Because your a bastard." he said a little to loud. Everyone turned and looked at us but thankfully the teacher walked in and stared class.

The rest of the class Ryan didn't talk to me. What did i do? I kept asking myself that question all hour. The next class I have with Tommy but we didn't sit by each other. But he wouldn't look at me. I tired to get his attention but he wouldn't look at me. When class was over Tommy rushed out the class room. When i got in the hallway i didn't see him. I just want to talk to him. On my way to the next class Logan came up to me. Logan was a 10th grader and he was like the top of his grade. He was pretty big too. "Collie? I herd your friends with those fags. Is that true?" Who was he talking about. Then I remembered Ryan and Tyler. "Uh yeah. I mean I don't talk to them much but yeah." i didn't know what to say. "You shouldn't. You may catch something." he said with a frown. "Uh yeah. Got to stay away from fags right?" i said and i hated myself for saying that. "Oh so is that what we are to you." i turned and there was Tommy with tears in his eyes. "I see were just a bunch of fags to you. Well don't worry. Us fags won't talk to you anymore " he spat out to me. The he turned to leave. "Wait Tommy. I didn't mean it like that." but it was to late. Tommy was gone. "You don't need him as a friend you got that Aryanna girl as your girlfriend and a lot more friends." Logan said. I totally forgot about Aryanna. Ignoring Logan i made my way to my next class. How could i be so stupid. I really said that about my friends. And now Tommy hates me.

     The day seam to go by slow and it got worst. At lunch Ben came up to me and dragged me to the bathroom. Then he yelled at me for saying those things about Ryan and Tyler. Then he said he didn't want to talk to me anymore. Tyler and Ryan said the same thing. When i finally got home i let my tears go. I lost my best friend in the world and my boyfriend in one day. How stupid can i be?

*******************************************Hey guys this chapter is short. I just wanted to write something. Soooo what do you think about Collie. He was being a jerk. O_o well comment and vote!!!!!! ^_^ ps: sorry for all the grammar mistakes.

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