The Girl Who Should Have Been Mine

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Based on the last scene of Episode 24. Personally I've found Nam Sin very unlikeable, however I wanted to try to see things from his point of view. How did the boy who sacrificed for his Omma become like this? Also the acting out of this scene was phenomenal, and I wanted to explore it a bit. This is a very short piece.

Her eyes were really something.

A passing thought as he glared down at her, grasping her arm tightly, his rage momentarily blurred by a strange fascination for the glistening chocolate orbs before him. Her defiant gaze met his boldly, even if she had shrunk minutely at his close proximity. Surprisingly, he found himself fighting down an uncharacteristic smile – Nam Sin did not smile... he smirked and mocked and drawled... but he did not smile... especially not when he was meant to be enraged. How dare this speck of a girl compare him to that 'thing'? And if that was not enough, she had just insinuated that it was him, the original Nam Sin, that she found lacking?!

The rage that had been festering within him since he had first awoken returned to the forefront and his grip tightened. His attention was focused entirely on the girl before him. Something about her pricked at him. He had always been cold... unfeeling... aloof... and it had made those around him weary of his attention, but it was rare for him to actually act on his anger. Nam Sin did not act rashly as his Hal-abeoji liked to accuse him. He had learnt early on to hide his temper and maintain a façade of being untouched. A scoff and a roll of his eyes was a usual response to the troubles in his life. Any rash or extreme reaction (like the violence he had displayed at the airport) was in fact a carefully designed move in the chess game that had become his life. He had trained himself to be like this. It was his only defence in a world where he did not yet have any true power. Feelings were weapons. Weapons that could be used against him. So he compartmentalised and shielded away those pointless emotions, allowing them to fester beneath his skin, awaiting the day he would finally get his revenge. He had not given in to his feelings for a long time, his control undeniable, so just what was it about this girl that elicited such a strong response from him?

Kang So Bong. Insignificant. Dispensable. Forgettable. She had been a mere pawn in his escape plan... yet here she was... looking him in the eye as if she were equal to him. That should have been what really triggered his response, if anything. But, no. What enraged him was the fact that here was one more person who preferred that robot to him.

However, before he could unleash the full wrath of his anger on the girl, she was suddenly jerked away from him. Startled, Nam Sin looked up and found himself facing his own rage-filled eyes – wait. Not his eyes. The eyes of that robot. But why would a robot be glaring at him? And why would he interfere in Nam Sin's matters?

"What's your problem?" Nam Sin felt ridiculous talking to this thing, but its behaviour was unsettling.

Unbelievably, it ignored him and instead spoke to Kang So Bong, its eyes noticeably softening in her direction.

"I... must keep you away from him..." A pause. "Is this jealousy?"

Nam Sin could only look between the two in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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