hello there

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(point out any mistakes plsss)

"Frank, please don't" The girl whispered.

"Liv, it's gonna be alright. I'm right here okay? It's just three other guys." He gives her a smile and inter twines their hands.

"They probably won't like me. What if they ask me a lot of questions? Frank, what if the don't-" The murmuring girl was cut off by her angry brother.

"Olivia Iero, you better not finish that sentence!" He glares at her.

"I'm sorry." She whispers over and over. Tears fill her green eyes and she wipes them even though they haven't fell.

"Liv, look, I'm sorry." Frank sighed. He didnt mean to yell. Frank carefully grabbed her hand and interlocked his hands with hers. "I'm gonna hug you know, okay?" He asked.

Liv nods. Frank engulfs his twin sister in a bear hug. Liv, of course, felt it comforting and stopped crying.

"I love you, lil sis." He grins at her. She glares at him. "You're only older by 12 minutes, jackass." She mumbles.

"There's the Olivia I know." He smirks. "Now, come on. I want you to meet the guys."

Frank was asked a couple weeks ago to join a band. Not just any band, My Chemical Romance.

He was their number one fan, Olivia was a close second. He was ecstatic when he was offered the rhythm guitarist position. This has been the third 'rehearsal' he's been too and he decided to bring his twin along.

Frank's mom has been nagging at Olivia to get outside more. But, Olivia suffers terrible anxiety and she doesn't do to hot talking to others. Frank understands that being the big brother and all. He wants to protect her and he certainly can trust the band. So, he pulled her out of the house and here they are.

Outside the Way household.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Liv whispered to Frank as the climbed up the steps of the house.

"What? Bringing you here? Of course I do! You love their music, and plus its just gonna be you watching us." Frank told her and he pushed the doorbell.

The two waited patiently for someone to answer. Liv was gonna slowly back out of there but, someone opened the door.

"Frank, you know you can just walk in." A tall man with a a small fro smiled. "Yeah, but like, I still want to be polite to you guys." Frank answered truthfully.

"Whatever. And you must be Olivia! We heard a lot about you. I'm Ray Toro" Ray smiles.

Liv glanced at Frank. "All good t-things, I hope." She stutters out.

Olivia looked down and frowned. First Frank yelling at her and now stuttering to one of her small idols.

"You got it, c'mon in! We're all in the kitchen. Elena is making us coffee." Ray said moving to the side.

The twins stepped in side and Frank took off his coat, scarf, hat, and gloves. He kicked his converse off, banging lightly on the wall.

Olivia carefully took off her coat and hat. Her feet gingerly slipped out of her black combat boots and revealed her fluffy socks. Her gloved hands wrap around her elbows and she shuffles behind Frank.

Frank loops their elbows together and slowly guides her to the kitchen.

Liv is lured in by the scent of strong coffee and her mouth starts to sweat ((😂😂 oof. idk what i'm doing)) and Frank chuckles to see his sister brighten up just a little after smelling the coffee.

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