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Okie, so don't be pissed but I've re written promises. One: because the last story was confusing, and Two: I didn't like how I had written the last one. But don't worry this is the last time I'll do this.


• • •

The warm rays of the summer sun flicker in my face, I both smile and sigh knowing it's the start of a new day. Not wanting to accept that fact I put my pillow over my head and wait for the annoying sound of my phone alarm to start up again. It does, they always does.

Half awake I stand and head towards the bathroom, I turn on the shower letting the hot water run a bit before getting in and washing myself down.

When I get out I find a outfit from my wardrobe, a black pencil skirt and a white shirt, on top of that I slip on a sleeveless white cardigan and some black heels. I brush myself down before putting on some makeup in the bathroom mirror. I stand and stare a few moments afterwards, taking notice in detail of my greyish blue eyes and my Roman-ish nose which is dotted with freckles, I also take notice in my plump lips which are painted a faint pink and the way my wavy brown hair sits on my shoulder. I shake my head snapping out of it, I need to stay focused.

I pick up my phone to read the time it displays on the front screen. 6:30 and I still need to get coffee for my boss.

I work at HB&A it's a business ran by the Harthorns, they own apartment buildings and a few clubs. On top of that the owner is a rich playboy named Mason Harthorns who's gotten in the pants of almost every girl in the building, besides me. Im his receptionist, so it can get real tricky to ignore his constant flirting, which annoys the living hell out of me.

I sigh and head towards the car "here we go" is all I manage to mumble to myself before opening the car door and driving off to go to work.

• • •

"Your coffee sir, oh and Sally from RO's have asked to meet with you later today." He doesn't even bother to look up from his computer screen as I place the coffee cup on his desk and use the most polite voice and smile I can manage.

I just roll my eyes after standing there a few second longer and go to walk out.

"I saw that" he smirks and looks up and I just roll my eyes again, of course he only notices what I do when it affects him and his over sized ego.

"Good" I tell him before walking out shutting the door behind me, I can hear him chuckle and all I do is scoff. Luckily he is used to my smart ass comments and gestures. I try to be nice, but it's really hard especially with him.

I walk to my desk which is positioned just outside his office and start with my work for today. best to get whatever I have to do today over with.

• • •

I check my phone and notice the time, great my shift is over. I stand and pack all my things in a little bag I carry around.

"Kelsie, can you come here." Mason calls from his office, great what now.

I leave my things on the top of my desk, I open the door and just wait in the middle of the room tapping my feet. Mason is positioned at the other end of the room at his desk looking up from his computer and staring directly at me.

"You look nice in that skirt." He smirks at me looking me up and down and all I manage is a eye roll.

"Is that all?" No point in wasting my time with his ass right now, get it done with and leave.

"No, I need you to fill out some stuff by tomorrow and find somewhere in the schedule us a dinner." He smirks and I just sigh.

"I'll do the reports, and your not taking me out to dinner."

"Shame, and thanks that's all." I just nod and leave the room, on the way I grab my things and head out the door.

• • •
"I don't know how you handle being there everyday, I mean your stuck with a hottie how haven't you don't anything." My Bestfriend asks looking up from her phone.

She had called me right after my shift to ask to get a coffee, so here we are once again discussing my hot boss.

"He's not my type." Is all I manage to say, we've had this conversation a thousand times and for some reason she can't get it through her head.

Callie just rolls her eyes and a smile widens on her face very quickly.

"What are you thinking about" I ask worried, when Callie smiles like that it means she Has a idea, a bad idea.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking maybe me you and the gang should go clubbing..." She says it so casually, she knows what happened last time.

"Absolutely not" I tell her in a slight demanding tone.

"Why not" she whines at my obviously annoyed.

"Because last time I ended up dancing on a god damn table shirtless!" I glare at her and her sweet eyes stare back almost in a begging tone.

"Oh, that was funny." She smiles and chuckles a bit and I just roll my eyes at her.

"Oh come on please, I promise I will not let anything happen like that to you again." She begs and we stare at each other a few moments I keep my face stern for a few moments before giving up with a sigh.

"Fine" I sigh and Callie practically sings with happiness. I just roll my eyes and we continue talking like any other normal day.

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