Part 1

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Fire Chief Carter Jameson was standing in the middle of the firehouse holding a meeting to introduce their new first captain Sebastian Stan. "Morning boys I'm going to keep this short I would like to introduce you all to your new Captain Sebastian Stan he's been transferred in from Charleston to take over my son's position as he's moved out west. Also we will be having a 4th of July bonfire tomorrow night out at my house I hope to see everyone of you there." Carter said 

Then coming up the road they all heard music blaring and all the boys started smiling and shaking their heads they knew who was coming up the road. Sebastian leaned over to Carter and said "Who is playing music that loud this early in the morning?"

"Oh that would be my daughter." Carter said 

Then the music cut off and they heard the door shut and it was like a scene from a movie for Sebastian as coming through the garage door was a blonde in purple scrubs with aviator glasses and bubble gum blown into a bubble and her swinging her lanyard with a box of donuts moving in slow motion. He swallowed hard and said "That's your daughter." 

"Yeah that's my daughter she works at the hospital as a ER nurse most of the time other times she's all over the hospital." Carter said as he walked towards and said "You all know my daughter little Avery Jameson."

"Yes sir. Morning Avery." They all said in unison.

"Well I had to come introduce myself this morning daddy said he was getting a new captain since my brother left you all which is a good thing for you all. Two Jamesons as bosses is just scary. Um here's you all some donuts and muffins and here daddy I got you a coffee and um I got one for your new captain daddy where is he." Avery said and her daddy said "Right here Sebastian this is my daughter Avery Brooke Jameson." 

She shook his hand and said "Its nice to meet you and here you go. I hope you like cream and sugar."

He smiled and said "I do thank you."

She smiled back at him and said "You are very welcome." then bit her lip as she watched him lick his lips as he took a sip.

"Um I have to go or I'm going to be late. You boys be safe out there today and not end up on one of my beds today. And you all super sexy in your new shirts. I told you daddy that those would look better on them." She said as she winked and blew them all a kiss and Carter said "Avery that's enough." 

"OH daddy I'm just having fun." she said as she left and got in her car and turned the music back on and Crazy Bitch by Buckycherry started playing and Sebastian smiled behind his cup and shook his head. Mackie came over to him and said "It's good to see you back home man." as he gave him a bro hug. 

"It's good to be home. Even though I was just two hours away being close to the beach again is great." Sebastian said as Evans and Renner came over to him and they all hugged and talked about the old days.  

Avery arrived at the hospital and sat down at the nurse's station and started to eat a bag of chips and propped her feet up on the desk when Scarlett and LIzzie came in and said 'You know you are going to get in trouble sitting like that." 

"Since when have I ever followed rules." Avery said

"True." Lizzie said with a smile

"I just love your bad girl attitude Avery." Scarlett said 

Then the emergency phone called and Avery rolled herself backwards and said "Hello Myrtle Beach Medical Center this is Avery Jameson." 

"We have a mass casualty on the main road a car pile up after a light went out we need you all to get prepared cause they will be arriving soon." The operator said

"Thank you so much." Avery said as she hung up and hopped up on the desk.


She got down and started getting charts ready and then the victims started coming in and then she was running the ER like her mom would when she was alive. She was yelling at everyone and Sebastian and Evans was bringing more in and she finally stood up on the desk again cause she was running out of room cause others were coming in that were not part of the accident that were walk ins and she finally said "HEY IF YOU ARE HERE FOR THE FLU OR ANY OTHER NON EMERGENT CASES PLEASE REPORT TO OUR URGENT CARE CENTER ACROSS THE ROAD I HAVE MASS CASULTIES COMING IN AND WE ARE THE ONLY TRAUMA CENTER CLOSE BY SO PLEASE GIVE UP YOUR BEDS!!." 

Sebastian was shocked by her and then thought she must have seen of her daddy in her for her to be able to be boss bitch like that.  She finally started clearing out the ER after the accident finally cleared out and it started to slow down. She sat down in her chair and said "God I'm going to need a drink after my shift over and some good sex." 

"AVERY!" Scarlett said

"What? I haven't gotten laid in awhile and that was stressful and no amount of whiskey is going to take all that away I need some good whiskey and sex." Avery said. Lizzie just shook her head at her then Renner and Evans came over and said "Someone say we are all meeting at the bar tonight?"

"Avery is going to the bar we didn't say we were." Lizzie said

"Oh come on honey it will be fun especially after what we all had to deal with today we all could use a drink. Especially Avery I've never seen her yell at so many people." Renner said

"Ugh I'm surprised I still have my voice. But yes I'm going to the bar after work and getting drunk and hopefully getting laid." She said 

Sebastian had just walked over when he heard her say that and said "Whose getting laid." 

"I hope me..ugh I need some good sex." Avery said 

She saw the time on her watch and spun around her chair and said "Just one more hour. Then I can go drink and be over today." 

Sebastian said "Let's go boys we have paperwork to do." 

"Bye boys you did good today thank you for not being in one of the beds." Avery said with a wink.

They all 3 just shook their heads and Scarlett said "Please stop being like that. You know your daddy hates it."

"I don't care if he hates I love flirting with them. Did you see Sebastian my god I would love to have just one night with him god that man is gorgeous." Avery said 

Scarlett just rolled her eyes and said "You do need to get laid then." 

After they finished up their charts and made sure everything was in order for the night shift they all 3 left and headed to their apartments to get ready for a night out. 

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