Chapter 3 Lacking Perception Ends PT11!

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Book The Dreamer
Series Broken Reality
Chapter 3 Lacking Perception Ends PT11!
July 21 2018
Created by the warrior
Mind Drifter

You actually fought him and won. I am shocked
though I shouldn't be. I knew when you entered
this wilderness you would win. Your greatest
enemy is only your greatest ally after all.

Without him you wouldn't be able to harness
such power that you harness. To be destroyed
and go pass your greatest limitation. It was
only a matter of time Hara.

He will be back you know. You will create him
again. You will give him power once more.
In return he will power you even more. The
cycle never stops. The war never ends.
In the end we only live and die to power
and improve each other after all.

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