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River's POV

"I don't think it's necessary to go all the way to New York to go to college, they don't even have a good football team." I lean against the sink as Blake holds Myla close to his chest.

"Trust me baby, if I didn't have a scholarship there I wouldn't even think about it. But that's free ride to college I don't have to pay for, why wouldn't I chase it?"

Blake, my boyfriend, kisses Myla, my 1 year old daughter, on her forehead. He adores her and they've inseparable since her birth. Myla was a brown eyed, pale skinned, angel with soft tufts of brown hair sticking out of her head. Today she was in a simple pink short sleeved shirt and a matching pink tutu.

Blake was having some struggle because he's blonde with blue eyes, so Myla doesn't look like him very much. He's muscly and tall from football, abs that you can see through his probably way too small athletic white shirt, and no neck fat. Dimples that show up when he's smiles, which is a lot since he is around Myla. Wearing black basketball shorts as we lounge around the house.

As for I, in my yellow sundress have blue ocean eyes and dark brown hair. Luckily Myla looks like one of us, or Blake's parents would have a fit. Though I'm sure they still have their suspicions. I am 5'6" and smaller built but I have my curves.

We were at my parents with both of us being only 18, we didn't really have anywhere to go. Blake and I wear debating on him going to college in New York, him wanting to and me needing him here to help. At midnight on a Tuesday.

"I know, I just don't know if I really trust this town enough to do it by myself." I turned around to look out the window above the sink.

"If you're talking about Damien, then I wouldn't be too worried. He's not a threat anymore." Blake tries reassure but it didn't do much.

I reach for Myla and he hands me her. "I better put her to bed." And walk up the old stairs to her room.

I walk through the door into her small yellow room. Flowers decorate the walls just for her and her crib in the corner with a rocking chair. Her change table and a closet are on the other I kiss my sweet girl and lay her down for rest. Then I take out my phone and dial a group of kids that I haven't spoken to in a long while.

"Guys shut up River is on the phone." I hear laughing and fun as Daisy Persin picks up. "What's up?"

"Where are you guys? I wanna talk."

"Out in the junkyard, see you in 15?"

"Yea, I'm on my way." I hang up and head back downstairs.

Blake gives me a quizzical look and I tell him where I'm going. I walk out the door and start running. The lights of the streets pass me and all I hear is "don't forget me" being screamed at me. It was slightly a nightmarish hellscape. Once I get to the junkyard I spot the group. Daisy Persin, Edith Fortune, Carter Colton, and Aiden Swetic. Daisy runs over and immediately gives me a hug.

"We're so happy to have you back little bird." Daisy whispers. "Edith may not admit it but we all missed you."

Daisy's blonde hair whips around as she turns to the rest of the group. Pink, short sleeved shirt, with a black shirt for her outfit. Her eyes were brightly green and she kept a good figure even after all the grad parties she got invited to.

Her boyfriend Carter stays back and just nods in acknowledgement. He kind of stuck out with red hair and green-blue eyes. But he does with most people so he got used to it. He was bigger but the jeans and loose shirt didn't deny him, he lost weight and looks good.

Aiden being the player of the group doesn't have a shirt on and has green basket ball shorts for pants. His dark skin compliments his dark hair and eyes. Though now a tattoo sleeve decorates his skin and I'm sure it's not the last tattoo he's getting.

Edith doesn't do much to greet me either than a slight smile and a wave. Usually she's give some sort of comment but not today. She in jeans as well with a black graphic tee of some emo band. Her nose piercing stood out again her dark skin, hair, and eyes. Her posture was relaxed but she could kick anyone's @ss and she knew it.

I haven't talked to this band of misfits since Damien got put in jail and a part of me regrets it now. They were my friends and now because of Damien there's this rift that I'm not sure will be a peaceful welcoming.

"How's the kid?" Aiden questions me.

"Myla? Fine. She just went to bed."

"Aww I love babies. They're adorable!" Daisy squeaks. "Plus Myla is a cute name."

"I'm sorry." I look down at the ground. "For you know, shutting you guys out after.... everything."

Everyone looks around as I speak of the elephant in the junkyard. They all give me knowing looks as if they get it. Daisy is the first to speak out of group in silence.

"It's okay River, I mean what Damien did was messed up." Her voice slightly quavers as she remembers the events.

"I know, it's just it wasn't right to push you guys out and I'm sorry." I couldn't get the events out of my head, the fire and the screaming. "Can you guys forgive me?"

"I guess." Edith chimes in.

"Hell yea, sisters forever!" Daisy shouts.

"Sure thing little bird." Aiden nods.

Carter doesn't say much, just shrugs. I smile knowing that these people had my back no matter what happens. We continue to talk for a little bit until Edith asks.

"How's Blake and his family taking everything?" Her eyes look at me.

"We're telling them that it's his. If they knew it wasn't they'd probably make Blake dump me." I shrug. "Probably should considering but he loves Myla and I and wants the best for the both of us."

"This could cause some problems later on." Carter interjects. "I mean what if they find out and Myla is like 10?"

I wasn't sure what to say to that, hopefully we'd be married by then. Does Blake want marriage? It's something I haven't discussed with him but probably should. I only shrugged on the out side but my brain was going wild on the inside. We kept talking for awhile about where we were going to college and about how Blake wants to go to NYC.

"Guys I have to go back, I'm exhausted." I yawn.

"Lightweight." Edith laughs.

"You'll have to bring Myla the next time." Daisy says. "I'd love to meet her."

"Yea, maybe I will." I get up off the old rusty car I was sitting on and start the run all again.

It was about 4 in the morning. I had to work at 10 so it was gonna be another long day. I reach my house and try to make as little noise as I can as I go in and to my room. Blake is sleeping in my bed and I smile and I see him clutch a pillow for support. I take off my sun dress and head to bed, for hopefully a better day than this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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