Chapter 9

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Lui's house is strangely normal. And that's what makes it terrifying.

It's inconspicuous. Just walking by, you wouldn't suspect that a deranged psychopath lives there. You'd think that it was a just a lovely couple with probably some lovely children. Maybe there's a dog running around in the backyard. It looks like a completely normal house.

Ruway and I are less than a block away. We're sitting on a bench nearby, trying to think of the best way to go about sneaking into Lui's backyard.

That has to be where the shed is. If there's no shed back there I'm going to go inside and beat Lui to a pulp.

If there is a shed, then that's where Quon is. It's as simple as that.

The only thing is, how are we supposed to sneak into the backyard without being seen? Odds are Lui's probably looking out a window waiting for me to show my face. That thought is absolutely terrifying.

"Which side of the house is Lui's bedroom on?" Ruway asks.

I have no idea, honestly. My mind filtered out the layout of his house. "I don't know."

"Well, that doesn't help us at all." Ruway shoots a glance at the house. "I think we can sneak no problem if we stay close to the wall."

"Either that or just run," I suggest. "If we're fast enough he won't be able to see us."

"Run fast, and stay close to the wall." Ruway says. He stands up. "Are you ready for it?"

He stares down at me with a determined look on his face. I return it with a nod.

"Let's save Quon," I say.

I stand up, too. Ruway and I brace ourselves for the worst. We stare at Lui's house, and then we make a break for it.

We sprint down the sidewalk as fast as our legs can carry us toward the murder house. Well, the Shirosagi household.

It isn't a murder house.

Not yet, anyway.

Ruway and I press ourselves against the outer wall. We look toward the backyard for a shed, but we can't see any. The backyard is separated from the rest of the yard by a gate, so we have to jump it. That's not a problem for us. What I'm more concerned about is getting spotted by the kidnapper himself.


The thought of him terrifies me. Those eyes. Those teeth.

Those lips and the way they felt against mine.

I nearly shudder. I try to keep myself from doing that, though. If I shudder, it'll break my focus. I have to stay hidden. I have to stay invisible and silent. I also have to jump that gate and get my boyfriend out of his prison.

I sprint through the yard and jump over the fence like a professional hurdler. Ruway isn't far behind, and he's quickly gaining on me. He runs past me before I know it, and I'm forced to sprint even faster to keep up.

I need to run more. I need to get faster than Ruway.

I'm the better ninja. I always have been, and always will be.

There's the shed.

I can see it.

Oh, Quon. I hope you're okay. I hope he didn't hurt you.

If Lui hurt you he's getting his ass beat.

I slam into the shed face first. I was running so fast I couldn't stop myself in time. Oh, Quon.



I frantically claw at the door trying to open it. A moment later, Ruway comes barreling in from behind and slams into the door. He nearly knocks it off its hinges.

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