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Yes, they're a hassle to read, yes there are a lot and yes you've seen them hundreds of times but bare with me.
1) no one is perfect, no Mary Sues or Gary Stus, please

2) be detailed, I don't want to see one liners, no exceptions. At least two sentences please!! How are people supposed to know what to reply if you don't give them details?

3) please no cussing and stay away from sensitive topics, they cause problems outside of the roleplay

4) don't just disappear, it's hard enough to keep track of all these roles, I don't want to have to keep track of you too

5) NO SMUT!! No exceptions, cuddles and cute romantic fluff is okay just, please no smut.

6) unless the role player is being a jerk, do NOT insult them, be respectful. Please don't start useless drama outside the roleplay, password one is a made up word. Like seriously, pls don't be jerks

7) no spamming pls, I'm sure the person who you're tying to get to respond has a reason for not responding, whether it be they can't think of a response or they're juggling a lot of rp chains at once

8) if you know you're gonna be gone for a while, please notify the person you're roleplaying with. Password two is cats or dogs?

9) if something happens to your oc without your permission, like if someone else's oc injures your oc or kills your oc, don't hesitate to pm me. They are not allowed to do that without your permission

10) ask for a role and wait for the okay to make your form.

11) your oc can be really talented but they have to have flaws, character flaws not physical flaws, cause those don't exist.

12) don't make your character super cold without any dimension, your character has to have some kind of soft side.

13) don't pretend your oc isn't siblings with the other ocs in your 'family'. Password three is to tag three active role players. Like, you can't ignore their oc. Ugh, curse my bad explaining, you get what I mean.

14) if you take a female role, take a male role, please!!

(I will most often likely add more later on)

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