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harry surveyed the carnage in front of him, the wooden floor was now stained with blood and the adrenaline was rushing through him.

he and his two right hand men, louis and zayn began to search the small building and make sure it was clear of any more information. the person they had killed had betrayed their trust and loyalty was the most important thing to harry, if you were disloyal to harry styles, you wouldn't live long enough to tell the tale.

"make sure that everywhere is clear. zayn, go upstairs and check there's nothing on us. i don't want to this coming back to us." harry demanded as he kicked the dead body, checking in there was no life left.

"boss! come quick!" zayn yelled.

when harry entered the upstairs office he saw zayn pointing his gun behind the big oak desk.

when he moved to see what the fuss was about, he clamped eyes on a tiny girl, barely dressed in nothing more than a tiny pink negligee. her wrists were tied together with rope as were her tiny ankles. purple and blue bruises littered the little girls pale body, some new, some old, and she had a deep cut on her cheek which harry suspected was the work of a ring covered fist. there was duct tape over her mouth and tears streaming from the trembling girls face that was dewy and pink with panic, sweat and tears. her wide eyes watched him observe her momentarily before harry turned back to zayn.

"fucking hell zayn, put the gun away, she's just a kid! look you're scaring her." harry said, crouching down to the young girls level as she shifted away from him in fear.

"hey, there's no need to be frightened." harry said gently, louis and zayn looking at each other in shock, they'd never seen harry be gentle in their whole time of knowing him.

he tenderly reached out and peeled off the duct tape, wary of hurting her as she stayed deadly still. he offered her a reassuring smile as he then leaned forward and untied the rope around her wrists and her ankles. he cursed under his breath as he saw the fresh bruising around her wrists - had the rope been any tighter, the girls wrists would probably have been broken.

"that wasn't so bad now, was it hm?" harry cooed softly, trying to encourage the girl to trust him. "now can you tell me what's happened here?" he asked cooly.

"i can't hear you, i'm nearly deaf. they took my hearing aid away," the little girl started to cry even more. "they said i shouldn't be allowed to hear what they say but i heard screaming and guns, they were so loud." she whimpered, very distressed which hurt for harry to see. "where are they? are they coming back?" she asked in fear of the four men that had just been killed, harry had only intended for one to die but secrets and information had been shared so there was no chance that the other three would be spared.

"they're not coming back, you're safe now." harry said, unsure as to whether or not she had even heard, yet she had read his lips as best she could and made sense of what she'd managed to comprehend. "louis, zayn, i want her to have her hearing aid, find it." harry instructed firmly.

"they killed my mama and papa." the girl cried, as harry pulled her onto his lap.

harry pulled back her hair gently, wanting to make sure she could hear what he was saying.  "what's your name sweetheart?" harry spoke.

"a-annabelle." she replied shakily.

"boss i found the hearing aid but we need to leave, we've been here too long already." louis said and harry nodded, pocketing the hearing aid that he would fix to annabelle when they left.

"okay annabelle, we're going to get you out of here, but you mustn't open your eyes when we go downstairs, do you understand pretty girl?" harry said.

annabelle nodded whilst letting out a little hiccup as a result of her soft cries that were beginning to die down. harry scooped the small thing up into his arms and onto his hip as he kept a hand rubbing deep circles into her back to soothe her from her weepy state.

soon enough everyone began to exit the building to the awaiting cars.

"eyes closed baby." harry whispered into annabelles ear as they passed the dead bodies on the floor, he didn't want the angel to become even more traumatised than she already was.

harry breathed a deep sigh of relief as they finally entered the cars and they began to drive away.

all eyes however became transfixed on the heavenly girl as she her eyelids grew heavy and her head fell willingly onto harry's shoulder.

it looked like the most prolific mob boss in new york had a new toy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2018 ⏰

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