Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 (1 year and 5 months later, graduation day)

(Nathan's POV)

"I would love to congradulate our graduating class of 2012" I round of applause exploded from the audience" I clapped too. Only because Rayne who was beside me, was so happy she could burst. I haven't seen her this happy since Christmas.

It has been a year and 5 months since Karen and Jason walked in on us. Man, we had to sit for 2 hours learning about babies, and protection. It was hell. But about 2 weeks later the same thing happened and they just stopped caring. I think a little Nathan, or Rayne running around would be just too cute. But not yet. We were only 18.

"Molly Lersonburg" A girl with read hair steped up to the podium. Damn were we that far in the names already? I stood in line, waiting to be called. Rayne was before me. She was about to die from the looks of it. Shaking. I grabbed her hand to reasuure her that I was there. And that I loved her. She smiled and stopped shaking. A few more student walked up when finally -

"Rayne Parker" Rayne smiled as she heard Karen, Jason, and Grandma Jenn scream and whistle and she walked up. She looks gorgeous. For the first time ever, she had her hair bad in a ponytail, which brought out her beautiful face. I smiled. 

"Nathan Parker, an amazing math student" I walked up, just as nervous as Rayne was, but didn't show it. I grabbed my papers, shook some hands and walked off. I heard my guardians clap and whistle. I siled once more. Damn I had been smiling a lot. I never realized how fast my life was going by, In another year, Rayne and I would be in college. And after that, Hopefully marrige. And after that, We will grow old, and still listen to the same music we do now. Then after that, we would both be 6 feet in the ground. Happy and silent. As we join hands and walk into eternity. 


We were at home, relaxing. I had my arm around Rayne and her face was buried into be shoulder. I looked at her sleeping and smiled. Karen and Jason had already gone to bed. I would like to do some "things" with Rayne before bed, but she was asleep and I rather not wake her. We were watching Pawn Stars. Which was funny because we always watched scary movies together. Although, this was nice too. 

I layed my head gently on her own and whispered in her ear "Rayne, I will always love you. I will treat you like a beautiful girl should be treated. I will not treat you like my uncle treated me. Because I love you. I will not hit you like your father. Because I love you. And lastly, I will never let you think for 1 moment that I will leave you. Because I adore you. We were meant to be together that I'm sure of." I kissed her foread and layed back, her head was now on my stomach. Then she get up and scooted up to face me. She pressed her lips on my cheek and said "You fixed me"

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