~ The Beginning ~

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"Nurse Joy!" I burst through the doors of the Pokemon Center with the Riolu in my arms. Riolu had gotten increasingly worse on the way to the Pokemon Center, and I had gotten very worried that it wouldn't make it. With heavy, short breaths I handed the Riolu to Nurse Joy as WigglyTuff rolled a stretcher out into the lobby. I was sweating and coughing from the long run, but was thankful that I managed to get the small Pokemon to the Center. I just hoped that I had been fast enough..

After about an hour of helplessly waiting in the main part of the Pokecenter, Nurse Joy rolled the stretcher back out, as Riolu sat up with a happy chirp. I smiled in reply as I stood and looked to Nurse Joy as she spoke, "Thank you for getting Riolu here so quickly. His leg is infected and needed to be treated right away." She nodded slightly in thanks.

"Well I couldn't just leave the little guy." I giggled slightly and made momentary eye contact with Riolu.

"Where did you find him anyways?" Nurse Joy asked with a worried frown, since it was unlikely that a Pokemon could have caused the injury.

"He was in a cage in the forest." I rubbed my head as I thought about it. Could it be?..

"Maybe it was a Pokemon hunter. I should tell Officer Jenny, I'll be right back." Nurse Joy disappeared to call Officer Jenny from the phone behind her desk.

I glanced over at Riolu once more with a questioning gaze. Why would someone want to hurt such precious creatures. With a tired sigh I made my way over to the stretcher where he sat and pet his soft head. I looked into his innocent crimson eyes and smiled. "You'll be okay pal."

"Okay, thank you. You're welcome." I heard Nurse Joy faintly before she returned.

"Well I should be going now. Goodbye everyone." I chuckled slightly and turned to leave, the doors to the Pokemon Center sliding open as I neared them. Before I could exit though, I felt a small tug at my shirt and glanced over my shoulder.

"Rio?" Riolu stood behind me, his small paw grabbing at my shirt gently. My eyes slightly widened before a grin plastered onto my face.

"Riolu? Do you want to go with me?" I asked, crouching down to meet him at eye-level. He chirped happily and held out his arms to me. I giggled and pulled a small Pokeball from my belt, pressing the white button in the center. It expanded in my hand, and I lightly tapped it against Riolu's head. He was absorbed into the Pokeball and I let it loosely sit in my hand. It began to rock. Once.. Twice.. I caught him!

"Yay!" I cheered happily as white sparkles emitted from the ball. I released Riolu and he appeared before me, embracing my legs with an excited chirrup. I lifted him onto my shoulders, waving goodbye to Nurse Joy and Wigglytuff with a quick "Thank you!," and hurried out the door.

This is when my official journey began. 

Lucario x Reader (Pokemon Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang