OC #1

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Name: Mateo Perez

Race: Hispanic

Country of origin: America

Gender: male

Sexuality: straight

Description: he has black hair, brown eyes, and a square face

Age:15 (age of death) 68 (real age)

Date, year, and place of birth: June 17, 1950, New Orleans Louisiana

Family: mother(Valeria Perez) father(Pedro Perez) brother(Diego Perez)

Backstory: He Was morn to two Mexican immigrants shortly after they arrived in America,he's lived in New Orleans,Louisiana for as long as he can remember, one night when he was 15 and his parents were gone, late at night his house was broken into, apparently his older brother was involved in a gang and the people who broke in to his house mistaked him for his brother and shot him, years later, a new family moves into his house in 2005, with a newborn baby, as the baby grew up he considered them a friend until they grew up and couldn't see him anymore, the year is 2018 now and for 4 years the platonic feelings he had for her turned into romantic feelings, he wants to spend the rest of his afterlife with her, so he causes "accidents" to try to get her killed, so far it hasn't worked though.

Note(s): this entire idea is loosely bad on W2H, as some might be able to tell

Note(s): this entire idea is loosely bad on W2H, as some might be able to tell

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know they don't look that good but I tried my best 

That's it for right now, bye!

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