Chapter 2

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Ella's pov:

I walk into the PE block with Dan. We separate into the female and male changing rooms to get dressed into our PE kit. I go into the area where Lily, Alice and I get changed ready for PE. After I get dressed, I put my hair into a high pony tail so I don't get yelled at by the teacher. All of us were just joking around, then Lily and Alice went silent. I turned around to become face to face with Shannon and her followers close behind her. Shannon always has something to say to me. It started in year 3. Alice, Lily, her and I were all best friends, when I got a higher mark than her on a math test. Since then, she left the group and found herself some new 'friends' and planned on ruining my life ever since. I say 'friends' as I'm 95% sure they follow her around because they are scared of her, like the Shakespeare quote from Macbeth "Those who move in command move only in command" (I studied Macbeth in year 11 and I happen to remember that quote so deal with it).
"ELLA! Are you even listening to me or am I wasting my breath?" Shannon said, snapping me out of my daydream. Don't judge me. I told you I daydream a lot. "Ugh! You're so annoying! I don't know why you even come to school. You're not good at anything you do. Especially PE so why don't you just get your dad to write a note to save you the embarrassment. Oh, wait. You don't have a dad!" She walks off laughing with the others. I just stand there, letting the tears drop down my face. "Hey don't worry about what she said. Just stay in here and calm down. Well tell Miss (that is what we call our teachers) what happened." Lily said, trying to make me feel better. But Alice knew me better than anyone, and she knew I wasn't going to let Shannon get the best of me - or at least I would try. Alice got a tissue out of her blazer pocket and dried my tears. We then went over to the sink to splash my face, trying to make my eyes look less red. We finally made our way to the sports hall to find out what we would be doing. Luckily we weren't late. I met eyes with Shannon on my way in. If looks could kill, I wouldn't have lasted a second in that room. I felt really uncomfortable, so I looked around, until I met eyes with Dan. I knew on his face he could tell something was up, so I gave him a reassuring smile to let him know I was okay, and he gave me a small smile back. The teachers said that since it was raining, there would be a choice of three activities: fitness, basketball and badminton. I knew Shannon and her group would pick basketball as Shannon was very athletic, and her group just follow her around. My friends, on the other hand, liked to do as little work as possible in PE. Technically, Shannon was right. I don't do well in PE, but she doesn't know that I dance outside of school. I have won many awards for my dancing, but only Alice knows about it. If everyone else knew, I would feel like everyone would talk to me about it, and things with Shannon would get much worse. So it's my little secret. Kinda. All 5 of us chose to do badminton. We did doubles: Alice and I, Lily and Harry, and Dan could pick who he wanted out of the two that weren't playing. When I was off, I was spinning and leaping, practicing my routines. I know this annoys Alice as I'm clearing doing it but I don't want her to tell anyone. I finish one routine and then get distracted, and just lean against the wall, daydreaming once again.
Fingers snap in front of my face. I blink a couple of times then turn thinking it was Alice. But to my surprise it was Dan. He said that class was over, so we walked out of the hall to the changing rooms. Before we separated, he told me to wait for him after I had gotten changed. He wanted to talk to me whilst we walked home together. But he didn't want Alice to come. I entered the changing rooms and told Alice that I wouldn't be able to walk home with her today as Dan wanted to talk to me. She could tell I was very confused but she didn't ask any questions and walked home with Lily and Harry. Luckily, all 5 of us live on the same street so we normally try to walk together, but sometimes us girls need a break from the boys, or Lily and Harry want some privacy, and I don't blame them. After I finished getting changed I walk outside and see Dan standing there waiting for me. We then started to walk home. We walked up to the first road in silence. Dan finally breaks the silence after we cross the first road by asking me the first of many questions I dread to answer...

A/N ~ some drama coming in now. I know I haven't talked a lot about Ella's family but they should come in either next chapter or the chapter after. Don't forget to vote and comment any ideas for future chapters. Thanks for reading.
~Mimi shake xoxo

The story of my life. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora