Chapter 22- 1st December

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Angie's POV

"German, don't you think the boys would love these?" I asked pointing to some pyjamas.

"I really don't think we can keep buying the boys identical pyjamas for Christmas! And isn't it a bit early for Christmas shopping anyway?"


I really loved Christmas shopping, but today we had come out to buy things for Ariana because she will be here in 5 weeks! I can't believe it!

"How about this cot?" Asked Vilu.

"I love it my love." Said Leon.

"I like it." I said.

"Shall we get this one then?"


We walked out of the shop and had to fill our car and Vilu and Leon's with all the stuff we had bought! But Vilu was so excited.

We got back to the house and put everything away. Vilu and Leon were looking for their own house because there would not be enough rooms in this house once Ariana was born.

I went out to get the last of the things from the car and came back into the house. I joined Vilu on the sofa.

"What you looking at?"

"Mum's diary. She wrote a poem about me when I was born about how small I was."

"Hey, aren't they the words to Soy Mi Mejor Momento?" I asked as she flipped through to the last page.

"Yeah, dad wanted my help writing it from Mum's notes. That's why we both love it so much. Because it was the last thing mum ever wrote in her diary."

"Well come on." I said walking over to the piano.


"You're going to sing for me and your baby."

"No, I'm not. Amelia!"

"Why Amelia?"

"Just sit down and listen." I did as I was told.

I watched as Amelia came in and Vilu began to play the piano. She began to sing and I smiled. That day she was born, when I looked at her for the first time and saw the connection she had with Vilu came back to me as I heard Amelia's little voice singing my sister's song.

Vilu turned back to me and smiled. I smiled back as a tear ran down my cheek. Amelia really was like María.

 Just, to plan for the future, I was wondering if you wanted another book in this series or if I should finish it on this book or write one final book to finish it off for good. I can however say that if I do write another book, it won't be posted until September. I plan to start my Leonetta book a week tomorrow and finish She Stole My Husband soon after that as I will definitely have a gap to write more on that. Then I will post Okay, and it will be posted shortly after that if I do make a fourth book. If not, I will start another Germangie book then instead. Please let me know!

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