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Lola smiled, "I missed you too"
They stood there, hugging. He was still taller than her, however he was more muscular. She was still shorter than him, however she had a more defined figure. He grabbed her hand, the feeling so familiar to them both. Brendon pulled her along like an excited child. She laughed softly, "Want to come to my apartment? My sister will end up rugby tackling you but y'know.." He smiled, "sure, it's a risk I'm willing to take,"
The pair walked to Lola's apartment, joking and laughing. Lola knocked on the door, Lily opened it, the second she saw Brendon she screamed, "Lily! for fucks sake," Lola laughed, walking in, Brendon following her, taking in every aspect of her personality dotted around the room, like the overflowing bookshelf, or the dirty paintbrushes scattered on the coffee table. He smiled softly, "So, mini Lola," He looked to Lily, sitting down, "How old are you?"
She sat next to him, "I'm 15," she whispered. Lola handed Brendon a glass of water, he smiled at her before taking a sip. Lily burst out, "I know you and Lola fucked!"
Brendon spat out water, Lola hid her face in a tea towel, "Lily!" she scolded. Brendon started chuckling, "I mean-"
Lola blushed, "It was a long time ago-"
The pair looked at each other and started laughing, remembering how awkward they both were. Throughout the time Brendon was at Lola's apartment, it felt like there was a tension between them, as if they needed to connect again, as if they needed each other. Lola wanted to feel his hands around her waist. Brendon wanted to feel her hands in his hair. They missed the scent of each others skin, they missed the warmth of each others breath. Lola studied Brendon's face, how he had developed a clean jaw line, and how he had the same warm eyes that you felt you could get lost in. Brendon gazed at Lola, her eyes remained piercing, her lips remained full and magnetised, he felt drawn to her, he felt an urge to kiss her, to hold her.
Lily groaned, "God- will you two please stop staring at each other?" Lola and Brendon both became flustered, Lola turned on Netflix, "I'm putting on-" Brendon interrupted her, "If you say Wild Child I'm going to attack you-" She grinned mischievously, selecting the very film. Brendon groaned, looking to Lola, "why?"
Lola laughed faintly, Lily patted Brendon on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I have to put up with it too." Brendon whined as the movie started, eventually he gave in and sat up, laying his head on Lola, he looked at her, "I missed this" Lola kissed the top of his head, "I missed this too, Bren." Lily gagged, "I can feel the sexual tension between you two-" Lola glared at her sister, "do you ever shit up?"
Lily thought for a moment, "Now that I know you two were fucking when I was a baby- I'm never shutting up." she smiled sweetly. Lola rolled her eyes, laying her head on top of Brendon's. Lily yawned, "I'm going to bed," she got up and walked away before saying, "If you fuck do it quietly." Brendon sat up looking confused, "why is she so obsessed with us fucking?" Lola laughed, "no clue,"
They eyed each others lips, desperate for the taste and feeling. They gave in to their urges and smashed their lips together. Hungry for more, their tongues battled, earning a small moan to escape Lola's mouth. Brendon ended up on top of Lola, his hands around her waist, Lola ran her hands through his hair. He started to suck on her neck, leaving marks, she moaned softly, realising how much she needed him. Lola pushed Brendon so that she was on top. He moved his hands down to her lower back, in response Lola started to give him matching marks on his neck, "Lola- Fuck," He mumbled, savouring every last touch. Lola held his face in her hands, smiling, before softly kissing him, "I fucking love you, Urie," she kissed him again, "I never stopped." He smiled, rubbing her cheek gently, "Come with me- come on tour-" She thought for a moment, "Why the fuck not, I'm a kindergarten teacher, I need to get out more." Brendon grinned, "You always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher-" Lola nodded, "I guess we both accomplished our dreams- I don't have a dog yet though." she laughed softly, "and I'm pretty sure I wanted to be married by 27 and have kids by 30-" Brendon replied, "I'm very surprised you don't have 50 dogs," Lola raised an eyebrow, "what do you think I am? a crazy dog lady? because yes, I am," Lola rolled off of Brendon and sat next to him, "It feels like no time has passed," Brendon nodded, "but it also feels like I've been waiting centuries for you,"
Lola looked at him, "what do mean?"
Brendon looked at her, "I've not been in a relationship after you- I was always so hopeful we would see each other again,"
Lola smiled, "I waited too- my mom thought I was crazy, she has given up on the idea of grandkids from me." she laughed softly as Brendon played with her hair. "My mom still doesn't know about us-" Brendon said quickly, "if she found out what I was doing when I was 13- I'd be executed." Lola smiled, "same, my mom thought that I studied a lot- ah yes everyday when you were home alone we would 'study'"
The pair burst into laughter at how clueless their Mormon parents were, in fact how clueless their friends were. When Panic was first started, no one thought twice at how Brendon was always late to practice on Thursday, which was also the day that Lola had swim practice. Lola laughed, "I'm honestly surprised you didn't beat up Ryan," Lola continued, "it was obvious he was jealous of you,"

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