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[A/N] I forgot to use Mei Zuo and Xi Men's real name while writing. So from now on, they'll be addressed as Liang Jing Kang and Wu Xi Ze while Jing will remain as it is.

Shen Yue brushed off the dust as the delivery man quickly left. The crowd once surrounded her slowly dispersed when her eyes suddenly met someone from distance. They were quite familiar eyes but she couldn't remember exactly how.

She was then distracted by her phone ringing. It was from Jiaqi, one of the two best friend she had. She quickly picked it up.

"Shen Yue! Don't tell me you forgot today is Yinhao's birthday!" she yelled from the other side of the phone. Only then she realized she must be really late. She bent down to pick up the bicycle as she hurried off meanwhile Kuan Hong who was trying to approach her lost his chance. He sighed as he headed back.


Arriving at the venue, she was already 45 minutes late. She made a pouty face to Yinhao and sat next to him. "I'm really sorry but I got caught up with a delivery man who blamed me for running into him."

"Anyway, since you are here, I need to show you something." Jiaqi grabbed out a file out of her purple backpack. Shen Yue took the file and opened it. It happened to an applicant form for YuanYu company.


Shen Yue's heart couldn't stop beating at an extremely fast speed as she hurried into her mother's room. The doctor was standing there doing anything. "Doctor, please save my mother! Please! Do something!" she cried while grabbing the doctor's collar immediately. 

"Miss Shen, please calm down. Please let us explain." the two nurses next to her tried to get her off the doctor. "We are not fully at fault for this arrest. Guests are restricted and yet your mom let a stranger in. They seemed to have an intense conversation, possibly leading to the arrest. We're truly sorry but we tried our best. May she rest in peace."

Shen Yue dropped onto the floor, almost looking lifeless. She couldn't believe what was happening. Her mother was being hospitalized for years but she never knew this day would be so sudden and close. The last time she saw her father was 7 when they divorced and since then, the only family member left was her mom.

The doctor left but one of nurse remained and helped Shen Yue to stand up. "I don't know if this will help you but I knew something was off with the sudden visitor. He left this business card." the nurse handed a shiny card to a crying Shen Yue.

Wang He Di

Executive Director

YuanYu Company Ltd.

(Flashback end)

Ever since then, Shen Yue was keen on joining the company and finding the cause of her mother's death. She could simply go find the person Wang He Di but whenever she went to find him, he never showed up to work. She knew he was quite popular and very playful but he keeps a very low profile so it was hard for her to get his picture. The only way for her to find out more was to enter the company.


No matter how many times Kuan Hong tried to call Didi for the next few days, he wouldn't pick up. Jing Kang didn't either. Luckily, Xi Ze did. 

"You guys didn't gave me time to explain that day. I already rejected the case." Kuan Hong explained. 

"Seriously, what the hell happened back in middle school? I know you will never tell us but I will keep asking." Xi Ze insisted.

"There's nothing good to know, Xi Ze. Just drop it. I took in another case and already assigned Jasmine to it. I just called you to say that." Kuan Hong was close to hanging up but Xi Ze quickly spoke up.

"Wait, I'll come by the cafe tonight. I need to discuss with you something." 

"Fine, then 11 as usual. See you later."


Shen Yue had been continuously working at her distant aunt's restaurant during the day and worked at a bubble tea shop with Xi Ze at night. It was the only way for survival while having to repay the loans she took out for her mother's hospital bills.

It was already 11pm when she was heading home. She was so busy at the shop that she forgot to eat dinner. She decided to stop by at a convenience store to buy a few instant noodles since she ran out of it yesterday.

After getting the instant noodle, she headed to the chocolate bar to get Snickers, the only chocolate she eats once a week. It was like a ritual for her. She has to eat it on every Mondays to keep her spirit up for the week.

She had already laid her hands on the last bar when someone suddenly grabbed it away from her. "Wei!" she screamed and angrily turned her head. It was a young guy looking like some gangster, having his hair tied all the way behind like a freaking pineapple. "I took it first!"

"I don't care. I want it." the guy counterattacked. 

"You can't just want it! I took it first you pineapple head!" she huffed.

"Who are you calling pineapple head? You look like a dwarf with coconut head." 

Shen Yue couldn't help but get more frustrated by his childish manners. He clearly looked like a grown man. 

"GIVE. IT. TO. ME. RIGHT. NOW." Shen Yue could no longer keep in the anger inside her tiny body.

"I. WON'T. GOODBYE." the guy swiftly walked up to the counter and paid the money. After taking a deep breath, she jumped and kicked the guy's face, causing him to fall onto the ground. She then easily snatched the bar out of his hand and left 10 yuan for him before leaving the store.


Xi Ze arrived on time while Kuan Hong was the only one left at the cafe. They took a seat in one of the corners.

"Well, I don't want to ask Didi and Kang Kang. Here, take a look at this." Xi Ze handed him the phone which was displaying a picture of a girl. "Recently, I met her a bubble tea shop and she looked really cute. And she is interested in tea just like me."


"So? I'm asking you to help me."



"Just no."

Kuan Hong was about to return the phone back when she noticed another girl next to Xi Ze's girl. It was the interview girl. Kuan Hong couldn't help but mentally smile. This isn't a coincidence, this must be fate.

"I'll help you."

"Suddenly?" Xi Ze raised his eyebrows in disbelief. 

"Because I realized you're my bro. It's rare to find another crazy addict about tea like you, so..."

"It's a major at universities, okay?!"

"Whatever you say." Kuan Hong turned away as his smile deformed into rather a smirk. He couldn't wait to meet the mysterious interview girl again.


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