Mixed Emotions

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"Ow! Careful with the arm, I'm tender," I say trying to avoid Malia's hands. How did Liam jump over my arm?! Only a werewolf could do that and he said he was taught by his dad.

"Stop moving Stiles," Malia says jerking my arm back onto the table where she is ready with bandages and a sling.

"Oh my god, gentle!" I yelp, pain shooting up my arm and into my chest. I think I sprained a muscle in my shoulder. "Why can't you just take me to the hospital? Scott's mom can do it," I fight her insistent complaints.

"Stiles, you're skin is turning a different color, there's not enough time to drive you all the way to the hospital," She says urgently, attempting to bandage my arm but failing.

"Why is there no nurse in this school?" I shout but no one comes. Malia looks up at me and chuckles and I chuckle back but it's forced. Once she's done wrapping the bandage around my arm, she leans her head down and her coyote teeth come out.

"Whoaaa, no way am I letting you cut the bandage with your teeth," I try pulling my arm out of her mouth but her teeth are caught onto the bandage. She's persistent and stubborn, a growl escapes her throat and she bares her fangs at me aggressively. Suddenly, a knock sounds at the door and it opens up to reveal a girl with curly red hair.

"Lydia," I say looking up at her. She rushes to me quickly and realizes what's wrong.

"Malia! Here, let me help," She offers, trying to unlatch the piece of bandage off of Malia's teeth but Malia slaps Lydia's arm and she pulls back. I feel a jerk and the pressure on my arm decreases as the bandage slowly unravels and the part caught in Malia's mouth falls to the floor.

"I don't need help," Malia mutters, her fangs disappearing. "I'm just going to get some scissors. Don't move," she says. Now it's just Lydia and me in the room. By ourselves. Just us.

"Stiles, are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine for now, as long as Malia doesn't hurt me with her teeth," I laugh, trying to break the awkward silence. Lydia looks at me with concern and doesn't say anything. Her eyes meet mine and we gaze at each others faces for a few seconds before she moves her hand to get some more gauze. I move my hand at the same time, reaching for the bandages, and our hands touch. I can feel her soft fingers underneath my hand. I'm unable to move. I feel like our minds, souls, and bodies connected from just a touch. Electricity is flowing through my brain and my heart and I have no idea what to do.

Lydia pulls her hand back and stutters, "Oh, sorry."

I smile and reply, "It's okay. Your hands are super soft," Wow... I just put myself into a very uncomfortable situation. Why the hell did I say that? I'm so stupid. Lydia doesn't know how to respond and instead just laughs nervously.

"Um, thanks."

"Malia to the rescue, I found a pair of scissors," Malia unexpectedly walks in and Lydia stands up from the chair she was sitting in and lets Malia sit down.

"I'm gonna go now, I told Kira we'd study for that test," Lydia says. I don't want to make Malia angry or have her turn into a were-coyote again so I let Lydia go. Suddenly I notice an emptiness in the room that I never felt before. I can't find what's missing until I realize something's missing in me. Lydia left with a piece of heart.

"Yo man, you okay?" Scott comes up to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Ow ow ow, watch the arm," I yelp pulling away from his sweaty embrace.

"Oops, sorry. So..." he trails off, somehow expecting me to know what he's talking about.

"What? So... the stupid freshman knocked me over by doing some kind of supernatural werewolf flip and now I'm a crippled old soul," I mutter angrily.

"Hey, at least the rest of your body is fine," Scott says, trying to reassure me but I'm still not convinced about Liam.

"Seriously, don't you think there's a tiny possibility that Liam isn't human?" I ask incredulously, surprised that not even Scott, the alpha werewolf, would be suspicious about it.

"I couldn't catch a scent on him when we tried to knock him over on the field, he's definitely not a werewolf," Scott says.

"Then what is he?"

"What is who?" Malia catches me by surprise as she jumps up behind us. Scott looks at me and then at the ground, his hand on the back of his neck.

"Um..." I don't know if I should tell Malia. I look at Scott and he just gives me an "I give up" look. "Nothing, we were just talking about Mason, you know, the freshman, the newbie?" I try to cover up what we were talking about earlier and fortunately, Malia is not interested enough to prod any further.

"Ok, he's super cute that's all I have to say," she says chuckling. "Come on, you said you'd help me study for math." She takes my hand and our fingers interlace. A warm feeling grows inside of me and a small smile spreads across my face. Malia's comforting hazel brown eyes meet mine and she grins.

"Ok bye you two, Stiles call me," Scott says waving goodbye.

We part ways and Malia drags me to her car. We get in and she quickly slams the door closed. She grabs everything that I'm holding and throws it in the back seat. I stare at her surprised, unsure of what she'll do next. She leans over the console, puts her hands on my face, and leans in for a kiss. My heartbeat quickens and my palms start to sweat. I don't know what to do because Malia has never kissed me in public before. As soon as her lips touch mine, I'm pulled under and I respond to her kiss by putting a hand on her face too, the other is playing around with her hair. Malia leans back and looks at me, her eyes are smiling and she's glowing with happiness. If I were a werewolf, I'd be able to smell her excitement and intensity. We lean in for another kiss and this time it's much more thrilling. I can't focus on anything else besides Malia's soft warm lips pressed against mine; we're inseparable.

As Malia starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot, I notice Kira and Lydia getting into Lydia's car. I wave to them but neither of them notice me. I feel awkward so I decide to watch Malia drive.

I still can't shrug off the feeling that I'm still in love with Lydia and I'll never be able to stop. I stare at Malia's face and I feel guilty; I'm pining over a girl that I've been in love with since third grade while I'm with another girl who loves me like I love Lydia. How am I supposed to move on?

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