Exposed Secrets

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As Lust and Sam walk over to the other room, Sam looks over at his icy friend to see how messy and ruffled his fur was, "Uhh, Lust?" "Yeah Sam?" "Arrre you ok? Your fur is all... Messy" "You'll understand why in a minute Sam" "O-oh ok, i'm sorry for asking" "There's no need to apologize Sam, it's not a big deal" Lust reassures Sam as they walk into the guest bedroom, *Door closing noise* "Ok Lust, so what'd you want to tell me?" Sam asks sounding as energetic as ever, "Can you promise me you will keep this a secret Sam? I really don't feel comfortable telling people about this" "I swear on my life I won't tell anyone" "Ok good, so remember when you asked why my fur was so messy?" Sam nods in agreement. "W-well last night Gluttony and I um, kind of... got it on..." Lust looks down with embarrassment, *GASP* "Really!? You and-" Lust quickly puts his front paws over Sams mouth, "SHHHH! He'll hear you!" "Sorry! I got excited..." "Yeah... I can see that, look down" *BIGGER GASP* "Oh my gosh!! I-i'm so sorry!" Lust puts his paw on Sams floofy little head, "It's ok sam, just try not to let Gluttony see, ok?" "Ok Lust" Sam says ashamed. They make their way back to the living room, Sam still hard. Lust whispers loudly, "Sam! Put it away!" "I'm trying! It's just the thought of what you said earlier!"
——————Living room——————
"W-what were you guys talking about back there?" Gluttony asks them, still very red. Lust walks over and sits down next to Gluttony, "I told him about the games we played last night, oh, and I took him in there because it's kinda bright in here and my eyes aren't adjusted to the light yet" "Nice coverup!" Sam whisper yells over to him. Lust cuts Sam a huge look signaling him to stop talking, luckily he does stop, but not in time... "Coverup?" Gluttony looks at Lust with confusion, "God damnit Sam! I told you not to- Ugh!" Lust yells as Sam in anger, "I-i'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" "WHATS HAPPENING!?!" Gluttony yells very loudly and confused, "Ok everyone calm down! Sam, i'm not gonna hurt you, ok?" *sniffle*   "O-ok" Sam whimpers, looking like he's about to break into tears. "Gluttony" "Yes Lust?" "So, um... I uhhh, kinda sorta, told Sam what we did... what we really did" Lust lays down with his face to the floor, "L-lust you-" "I know... I shouldn't have, i'm sorry" "Lust wait, Sam uhhh, kinda has a massive boner, do you think that he'd..."

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