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Just do it



"I can't..."

Do it.


Tobias Eren Rogers woke up in a cold sweat, panting heavily. These damned voices just wouldn't shut up, it was driving him absolutely mad! They wanted him to kill...
He couldn't do it, he was so weak and frail. His hands were all bloodied and bandaged up from his habit of chewing on his fingers. His skin is slightly gray and his cheeks stained with tears. His sister...he missed her so much. She was the last one left that cared.

It was one a.m,he stood to shaky feet to look out the window. Odd...only one street light was on he could see two figures looking at each other, almost like they where talking and then looked at his house. One went to take a step forward when... something grabbed his shoulder.

Not yet, child.

Toby shook his head, he brushed it off as another one of the voices that plagues his mind on a daily basis. But it was much deeper, almost like static. Then he realized the men outside must have heard it too. This sent chills down his spine. Then the frail boy saw it. A tall figure dressed in a black suit and a blood red neck tie, no face, just white.
He began to panic, what kind of tricks is his mind playing on him now?! Toby shook his head and grabbed the curtains beside his window before he noticed all three figures staring straight at him, he got nervous by their gaze and closed the curtains quickly.

That next day was only made to get worse.

The song up above is made by my favorite band Hollywood Undead! I thought it fit Toby perfectly. But anyways this was just a little intro to the character Ticci Toby made in the creepypasta universe. :3
I love me some creepypasta

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