The Red Thread

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Everyone knows about the string of thread wrapped around their finger, they know what it means. Some people travel the world to find the other end, others wait as they believe in fate. Shinichi? He doesn't really know whats so special about soulmates, especially searching for them. If they are destined to meet, they will meet at the right time. He just spends his days like any other, wakes up, brushes his teeth, makes some coffee and maybe some breakfast, and then he would head out the front door.

He slowly paced to the station as he took in the people around him. A few people came towards him asking if he were to ever participate in chasing KID, he would always say no. Thieves don't spark any interest within him, they steal. End off. With murders, it's usually more heartwarming avenging someone's life and putting their killer in jail. Though he has to admit, KID has caught his attention, he has not been caught for twenty years straight and he is still going. Well, not the original.

He walked through the front doors and gave a polite nod to the receptionists as he walked by.

"Kudou-Kun just the person we needed! There has recently been a trail of deaths of teenage boys, but we can't find any links or who might even be killing them." Inspector Megure announced, handing him a file.

"How were they killed?" he asked while flipping through the file.


The images did indeed show sign of strangulations, I mean, there was rope around all their neck and their heads were inside plastic bags.

"Is that certain? They could have been placed like that after they were killed."

"We sent them through tests and nothing came back but what is written down in there."

There was something wrong with the photos. Whoever killed these people was a genius. He hid a smile at what was going to be a challenging case.

"Inspector, Inspector!" yelled a female voice.

"What is it Sato-san?" asked Megure

"There has been another murder relating to the recent strangulation killings!"

The Inspector turned to Shinichi. " You go with  Sato-san to the crime scene and see what you can dig out of it."

"Yes sir"


According to the file he was reading at the station, all the murders were taken place in the victims home. There was a mark in the room as well to tell that it was the murder that they were dealing with. There would always be a bloody handprint somewhere in the room. The blood from the other cases had been taken back to be tested on, but nothing was found.

The current victim was a student who played golf on the weekends with his family. He would occasionally go to a cafe with some friends to chat or to go over homework. He was basically a normal teenager.

Marks were seen around his neck, but he wasn't killed by strangulation. If it was suicide, he would have at least left a note, or maybe had cuts on his body. He should also have tears on his face, but there was none. Meaning, that he could have been gassed or he was fed a poison, but there was no trace of it.

There was nothing to say when he returned. He saw what was said in the file, there was nothing to update on the file. He doesn't even know how they could be connected, they all led normal lives and none of them had talked to any of the others, though all the murders were aimed at teenage boys. It must be someone who doesn't care who they kill, maybe they do it for the thrill or the pleasure of knowing that they have ruined peoples lives.

His thoughts were cut short when he had a weird feeling to look down at his hand, when he looked, the thread that he had once seen as a nuisance, had snapped. He knows what it means, he knows that at that very moment his other half had just died. A thought came to him which made him feel nauseous. What if his soulmate was a teenage male and was just killed by this new killer?

He looked for the nearest computer in the building and searched for hours for any links, anything that could help solve the case. He knew that even his other half was killed by this person, he wouldn't know anyways. Though he was going to bring justice to those anyway, he won't let anybody else die on him.

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