Episode 4

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Adira's P.O.V

We all walked in the two different rooms before sitting in the living room. "Hey Zera, wanna room with me?" I asked, knowing that she's still a little shy around them. "I'm rooming with you," she said. I nodded and looked at Rose and Gray. Gray wrapped her arms around Rose, leaning on her. "Looks like you're stuck with me," she said with a cheesy smile on her face.

Rose playfully rolled her eyes as she put her hands over Gray's arms. "Ugh, how will I ever survive in the same room as you," she complained jokingly. Gray took her arms from around the girl and pushed her gently. "Hey! I'm not that bad to room with!" Gray exclaimed while glaring at the girl, but you can see she was having a hard time not smiling. We all laughed and grabbed our bags from the floor, bringing it to our new rooms.

I put up my usual Harry Potter poster on the ceiling so it would be the first thing I saw when I woke up in the morning. I looked over to the other side of the room to catch Zera putting her clothes in the drawers on her side. "Hey Adira," she called. i hummed in response. "What do you think is gonna happen to us?" she asked. I sat on top of the dresser, looking at her. "What do you mean?" i asked. she shrugged.

"I don't know. Like what do you think is gonna happen with the competition. It could go three ways, either we win and continue on from there, lose and never speak again, or lose but somehow make it. There are endless possibilities. Anything can happen." I walked to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "Stop stressing about something that's out of your control," i said, smacking the back of her head. "Ow!" she whined as she rubbed the back of her head. "Idiot," i mumbled under my breath as i walked out of the room, wanting to see how our other two room mates were getting along, probably better than my sister and I.

I walked in the room, glancing at the walls as I heard them laughing but I kept my focus on the surroundings. On one side of the room was a twin size bed adorned with white and light blue pillows, similar to my own. There was a white chest at the end of the bed with a quote above the headboard and posters including stickers on the walls. The other side of the room was completely different. It had a darker tone to it, all of the decor being a mix of many dark colors.

A black chest sat at the end of the bed as fairy lights had been strung above the mattress. Records and posters embellished the walls. There weren't many pillows, just a couple regular pillows and a random red throw pillow. "Hey Rose, Gray," I said, as I walked into the room. They both returned the response and I sat down on the throw carpet they had in the middle of their room.

        "Alright, I'll be back with lifts," Gray said as she walked out of the room. "What's she talking about?" I asked her roommate who shrugged. "I'm not sure, she was talking about raining up the bed or something like that. I'm not exactly sure what that will do but whatever floats her boat I guess." She picked up a book from her nightstand and opened to the bookmarked page, immediately tuning me out and turning her direct attention to the words on the page.

        Just as she begins reading, Gray stumbles back into the room with four piece of plastic that look like pyramids with flat tops and a rubber mallet hanging from in between her shoulder and head. "Hey, can you grab that for me?" She asked, glancing the direction of the mallet as a way of pointing.

        "Uhhh, sure I guess. Can we trust you with a mallet though?" I teased. She rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips as she laughed. "Ehhh I'll be fineeeeee. Can we trust YOU with the mallet?" She put the plastic cones on the floor before grabbing the tool back from me and putting it down on her desk. "So what're you going to do with this stuff?" I asked slowly.

She smirked at me. "You'll see." She left the room as I followed, walking into my own room to find Zera on her bed. She was reading a book that she's read just about 100 times already. I jumped on top of my bed, noticing that all of my stuff was unpacked for me. "Thanks," I said. Zera just nodded and kept reading. I wrote a couple stuff down before feeling tired.

I yawned and closed my eyes, feeling sleep take over. I woke up a couple hours later to the smell of food, it smelled really good. I followed the smell to the kitchen, finding the person I least expected standing at the stove. Gray stood in front of the pan, flipping something over as she danced to the music playing in the apartment. I pulled a chair out and sat down. She turned around and smiled. "Hey shorty. Good thing you're awake, I need you to set the table cause dinner's almost done," she said with an unusually sweet smile.

I groaned, not really wanting to do any work. "Its either you set the table, or you don't eat at all. Choose wisely," she threatened in a stern tone. I rolled my eyes and got up, getting plates and silverware to place around the rectangular table. "Roll your eyes at me again and you'll see what happens." She honestly scares me a little. "FOODS READY!!" she unexpectedly screamed into the apartment, making me jump. She could be loud too.

The other two girls who shared the apartment with us came bounding into the room, sitting at the table with huge smiles. Gray turned around and raised her eyebrows. "I'm not gonna serve you. I am not your mom so get your own food." Everyone got up and took some spaghetti from the pot and poured the sauce over it. We all sat down at the table, Rose to my right at one end of the table, Z to my left and Gray right across from me.

As Gray picked up her fork, Zera slapped her hand. "We are going to pray before we eat." The girl groaned but grabbed her hand as the rest of us linked our hands. "Dear lord, thank you for providing us with the meal in front of us and the opportunity to attend this school. Thank you for the new friends we made today and for the roof above our heads and the beds to sleep in tonight. Amen," Zera concluded as we all repeated, opened our eyes and looked at one another.

"Hey, yea, can we eat now? I'm starving," Gray groaned. Zera just laughed and nodded as we all dug into the food. When we were finished, we piled into the small living room and sat on the couch. "What do you guys wanna do now?" Rose asked. No one said anything but shrugged. "Well, I'm just going to go on a run around campus," Gray said. She got up and went into her shared room and came out in black track pants and a white tank top, her hair in a ponytail. "Don't burn the place down while I'm gone, try not to kill each other and remember, I'm only a phone call away." She waved her phone around before plugging the headphones in and leaving the small apartment.

  "We could watch a movie?" I suggested. "Or play a few games," Rose replied. Since none of us could decide, we decided to do both of them. We decided to watch Harry Potter and afterwards, played a couple rounds of monopoly and uno. By the time we finished, it was 1, almost 2 in the morning and Gray still wasn't back yet. "Should we go look for her?" Rose asked worriedly. "I'm sure she's fine. She looks tough, she can handle herself," I said, brushing it off. "And, if it makes you feel better, we can call her." Rose shook her head. "No, you're right. She can take care of herself."

I nodded and Z put her hand on Rose's shoulder. "I think we should all get some sleep. We have an early day tomorrow." We all agreed. Rose got to the bathroom first, so she went in. I laid on my bed with Z on hers. "I hope you're right," she spoke after a couple minutes of silence. I lifted my head and looked in her direction to find her staring at the ceiling. "About what?"

  "I hope you're right, when you said she can handle herself. We all might be practically strangers, but that doesn't mean that it wouldn't hurt if something happened to her." At this point, she was looking at me. I nodded. We were strangers, but after all, we're still human. "Yeah, I hope so, too."

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