10 to hell and back

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I slid my phone shut and laughed awkwardly at Damien or who I thought was Damien. I stepped out of his hold, "I will be right back."

He nodded and motioned me to go, I took off running around the house and saw the tall figure looking around, he saw me and grinned but it fell when he saw I was running to him.

I jumped wrapping my legs and arms around him hugging him tight. He pulled me back, "I know you're not that excited to see me, what happened."

I pointed to the side of the house panting slightly, "This dude looked just like you I thought he was you!"

His face fell and hardens; I felt his hands clench on my back, "Darren!"

He started walking while I stayed clung to his body. He rubbed my back as he rounded the house, I saw him leaning against the wall... ok logical reasoning, their twins, un-logical he can project himself to be at two places at once.

The fake Damien smirked pushing off the tree, "Brother!" ok twins defiantly.

Damien grabbed my hips setting me down and I could see his tense figure as he stormed over to the guy he referred to as Darren and punched him.

I gasped and the guy stumbled back; Damien growled, "I told you never to come around here again, I chose this area now leave. You know our agreement." His area...agreement... What was he talking about?

The guy known as Darren smirked rubbing his jaw walking to Damien, "Yes well, there has been complications you see at 'home' father and mother had another argument and they decided to have a family meeting."

Damien growled under his breath it was almost animal like, "I don't care." He turned toward me walking but Darren spoke, "Father said that he demands us there or he will take away our... privileges."

Damien stopped in mid step, I could see his shadowy figure and he looked completely pissed off.

He didn't look back as he asked, "When?"

Darren walked placing a hand on his shoulder, but you could see the tension, "Tomorrow morning and you know the meetings they go on for days."

Damien pushed his hand off continuing toward me. I felt like I should wrap my arms around him and he should just not go to his family meeting thing.

Darren jogged next to his brother glancing at me, "She is quiet beautiful what is her name."

Damien's arms tensed as he tightened his clenched hands. When they got to me Damien was trying to calm down before touched me.

Darren turned to me smiling, something about his smile was different then Damien, Damien didn't have a dimple on his left cheek Darren did.

I narrowed my eyes and moved hugging Damien tight. He relaxed putting his arms around me and sighed. He put his head on top of mine and kissed it, "Are you ok?"

I nodded confused; why was he asking if I was alright he was the one upset, "Are you?"

His grip tightened, "I will be." He scooped down picking me up walking away from Darren who just chuckled as we left.

He called out, "Bye brother! See you then!" Damien walked faster and we got to his car he set me down buckling me up then got into the drivers seat driving away like race car fast.

I frowned he looked extremely pissed; I didn't know what to do. Soon we ended back at his house and got out. I got out and he just picked me up without a word. He brought me inside locking that door then took me up to his room and locked that door too.

He set me on the bed then sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed with his face in his hands. I slid behind him rubbing his back softly, "Take your shirt off and lay down."

to hell and back (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now