The Grasp of a Dream

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Here in the imperial capital of Zaphias, lies a place full of complete separation. Blinded by their greed and reputation in the kingdom, everyone is forced to separate into three sections. If you were to live in Zaphias, you would be placed in a section closest to your status. For example, if you were a noble, you would live and be treated at the Noble's Quarter. If you were just a middle class person, you would live and be treated as one in the Citizen's Quarter. And lastly, if you were a lower citizen, one of the lowest ranks in Zaphias equal to a peasants, you would live in the Lower Quarters. And they are all separated and guarded by gates. This alone bothers me.

When you are a noble, you receive anything you'd like. You're treated as if you were of royalty because of how rich you were. Not even once do they care about the ranks lower than them. I know this for a fact, since I am of this rank. In the Noble's Quarter also lies the Imperial Castle, where all the Imperial Knights are. The imperial Knights, who watch over everything. When you are a middle-class, you don't have that much trouble. Maybe you would be a mercenary of something of some sort. Or maybe a farmer or sales person. But that section is much different, compared to the Lower Quarters. Whether it's true or not, I have been told that mostly everyone in the kingdom looks down on this area because of those who live there. I have gone there sometimes, disguised as one of them to observe. They struggle very much, but no one bothers to help them. They are ignored because in nobles eyes they are nothing to us. But It pains me to watch. 

So I told myself. Even if I was a noble, a completely different world from theirs, i'd end their struggles and change the laws of Zaphias. I'd make sure to get rid of the ranking systems that pulled us all down.

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