Chapter 9 - Guards and Prison Cells

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Pandora wanted to scream. She turned to Bolt. “You work for him?!” she screamed at him “How could you, why didn’t you tell me??” She lunged at him, but Bolt moved lightning fast, grabbing her fist mid-swing.

“Pandora calm down” He said as he held her off “who the hell did you think I was working for anyway?” he shouted.

Pandora stopped struggling and slumped to the ground “I guess I just hoped you were different” she said.

“So,” Pandora’s father said “how are you Pandora?”

Pandora glared at him, a stare that seemed to be for the sole purpose of destroying his soul. “Oh, I don’t know dad” she spat “Well great, you know considering I’ve spent millions upon millions of years trapped in a cold, dark underground prison, with rats and spiders, being punished for a crime that WASN’T MY FAULT!” As she spoke she stood up, towering to her full height, and walked towards him, spitting her words out like they were poisonous venom. “And all the time I was like ‘you know maybe dad’ll accept the fact that the stupid box was his fault and come and get me out of here’ but you NEVER CAME! I waited countless millenniums for you, but eventually realised you DIDN’T CARE ABOUT ME. And now I’m FINALLY out, you didn’t even bother to come and get me.” Pandora opened her mouth to say something, but closed it again. A silent tear rolled down her check.

“I trusted you dad.” she said quietly “and you turned me into something evil”

She looked up, only to see her father’s face unaffected. He wasn’t sad. He didn’t care.

“Icarus” he said to one of the guards behind him. “Take Pandora to her room. She needs some rest.”


Pandora’s room was down a long corridor that consisted of 13 thick doors, each with their own puzzle that needed to be completed before the door opened. The room itself was made out of steel-coated concrete – the walls a metre thick.  The room looked like someone had taken a prison cell and tried (and failed miserably) to make it more comfortable. A metal framed king-sized bed was tucked into the corner, with a wardrobe that stretched from ceiling to floor opposite it.

“Seriously? I get rescued from a prison only to be put in another one, what’s the point in that?” Pandora asked Icarus. The guard said nothing, his face hidden behind the visor of his helmet. “Can you even speak?” Pandora asked, waving a hand in front of his face. The guard grabbed her hand, with his leather-gloved hand and pulled her close.

“Listen to me, I’m not meant to talk to you when I’m on duty and I swear to god if you act like I’m stupid again, I’ll-“ Icarus cut himself off.

“You’ll do what?” Pandora asked, pulling away from him and taking a seat on the bed. “I know why my dad wants me back” she said solemnly. “It’s not because he wants me, if he did he would’ve got me out of that cell ages ago. He needs me for something – probably another evil scheme like that stupid box of his. And he’ll want me to do it, because people hate me enough already. Another few million deaths on my conscience wouldn’t matter would it?” She hugged her knees and rocked gently back and forward on the bed as she spoke. “It wouldn’t matter to him, but to me? You have no idea how long I spent thinking about what I did – how many deaths I caused, just by opening that stupid, stupid box.”

Pandora sighed and looked at the silent guard.  “You really don’t care do you?” she said “Just lock me up and leave me alone already will you?”

And thats what he did.


Ok, so I wasn't going to uploaad this chapter yet,  but I thought, why not?

The character Icarus is dedicated to @Hippopotamidae but there will be a full character description coming soon - I just wanted to include the character in this chapter to get across his job and personality.

Thats all guys

Emily :)

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