Of Course Not

275 15 4

October 4th, 2010
8:30 am
David's POV

I sat in the waiting room as Liza and Cameron talked. I didn't know he was here so I laid down with her. I feel bad because I just left her in there with him and it's all my fault. Their probably in there arguing over how she's cheating on him or why she's in here or something else that's just going to worry her when she doesn't need it.

My face is buried in my hands and my heart is in my stomach because I hate myself so much for this. You idiot. She hates you, why would you lay with her? And then you left her! You left her just like you did every other time she needed you.

I move my hands from my face and get up to go to the bathroom. When I get to the bathroom I look into the mirror and stare at my tear stained cheeks. I turn on the water and splash it on my face.

A small sigh leaves my lips and I walk out and back over to my seat. I sit and see Cameron turn the corner angrily. "Cameron!" I rush over to him. He ignored me. "Cameron!" I repeat louder.

He keeps walking away and I grab his arm and pull him to face me, "Cameron!"

He pulls away from me and looks at me angrily, "What do you want?"

I move my arm back slowly, "How is she? What happened?"

He scoffed as he rolled his eyes at me, "Don't play dumb Dobrik. I know that you've had something going on for a while now."

"What? Are you crazy?" I ask astonished, almost amused. Liza and I? Of course not. She hates me.

"I tried to ignore the fact that she has pictures on pictures of you in her phone, that you guys are always together, and even the fact that everything is about you! But I guess I was right. So now you can keep her." He yells at me and storms out of the emergency room.

Without a second thought I bolt to her room. Before I go in I take a deep breath and think about what I'm going to say. Everything.

I turn the door knob and see her crying in the bed. My feet move quicker than my mind because I'm already at the bedside. She looks up at me and sniffles as she wipes away tears. "Liza." My voice was barely audible.

"What?" She sounded harsh and cold, but I couldn't really blame her. She was put in the hospital for anorexia, her boyfriend came to talk to her and left and now she's left with me.

I was trying to not break down into tears beside her. Whenever she cries it hurts me more than anything else in the world. Especially if I know that I caused them or can't stop them. "What happened?"

Liza looks at me with red puffy eyes, "I mess up everything that's what!" She screams at me. My hand finds it's way to hers as I pull her head to my chest.

"No you don't. Trust me, that's the exact opposite of what happens." My voice coos into her ear.

She sobs and pushes me away slightly, I only hold her tighter to me. "Yes I do. I push away everyone and make my life worse!" Her voice squeaked a little as she whispers, "Every single person."

My arms wrap around her thin waist as I try to mask my own tears, "That's not true. If he was dumb enough to leave then it's on him. Not you." I reassure her.

My shoulder gets wet a little as she continues to cry, "it's not just him."

I watch as Liza pulls away from my chest with tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes.

"What do you mean?" Concern dripping from my voice.

Her small hands tremble ever so slightly as she cries harder, "I mean I push everyone away. I push everyone away to the point of them hating me. Gabby, my parents, Cameron, you-"

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