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Sunday, 8.12.18

Gally knocked furiously on the door of Newt and Minho's apartment, barging inside when messy bed-haired Newt had finally opened the door.

"Geez, who spit in your cornflakes," Minho mumbled from his place on the couch when Gally had taken his place next to him, pouting like a child.

Newt rolled his eyes at his roommate and sat down with the two of them. "But seriously, What's up?"

"So you know how Lilia had been talking to that Youtuber, Thomas Edisons right?" Gally started. "Well, ever since they started talking to each other, she's been more distant with me and just our relationship. And guess what happened today? She broke up with me."

Newt raised his eyebrow at his friend. "You'd think that she left you-one of the sassiest people I know with good eyebrows- for some random famous douchebag youtuber? Gally, bud, she must be crazy."

"That's what I thought at first, but last night, while she was in the bathroom, she got a text message from him, so-"

"Gally, please tell me you didn't go through her phone." Minho spoke up, not taking his eyes off of the T.V on which he was playing fortnite, his fingers moving rapidly on the controller in his hands.

"I didn't! I just saw a text message from Thomas that said 'break up with him' on the lock
screen of the phone" Gally exclaimed, crossing his arms with a huff.

"I don't believe it," Minho sighed.

"Did you look the guy up?" Newt asked, leaning forward slightly, clearly showing interest in the matter at hand.

"Yeah actually, turns out this guy has done some shady things." Gally paused, thinking of what lies to tell Newt and Minho first.

For the next hour, Minho had gone to sleep while Gally had fed Newt lie on lie on lie about Thomas, and all the made-up things he had done to people. By the next morning, Newt Issacs absolutely hated Thomas Edisons guts.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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