Soul Treasure (Prologue)

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Soul Treasure Prologue: The History of the Kichota Stone

"Mama, tell me about the Kichota Stone. Priestess Rurona gave me a mission to learn more about it. Do you know anything about the Kichota Stone?"

Yes, Calysta, I actually do know quite a bit about it.

"Tell me, Mama, tell me! As Rurona's apprentice, I must know!"

Well, the Kichota Stone was a protective crystal of the whole land of Yufawnria. It was radiant and glittered with shades of the rainbow. It was a perfectly round blue crystal that had the power to see and use unseen powers of the gods. Legend told, that a beautiful priestess named Shasti fought the gods and goddesses and was given this crystal.

"She met the gods? How?!"

It was said that a god fell in love with Shasti, as she was beautiful. The god mistook her for one of his people, and married her.  Humans were forbidden to live in the realm the gods and goddesses lived in, and any human who entered was always ordered to be killed.

"But why?"

Thousands of years ago, humans lived in harmony with the gods, who used to be called "volos". A human and a volo would be able to marry and even raise families.  Many half-volo children were born.

"Where did the volos...come from?"

Volos came from a neighboring realm known as Velosall. 

"Why did they come here?"

Some volos have the power to transport through realms, so maybe they did it out of curiosity and found themselves liking it here better. I'm not sure what the real reason is, though.

Volos were very proud beings. They looked like humans, except they all had light blue eyes, pale white skin, and pointed ears. They had special powers. These powers were taken advantage of to make money and get work, so usually volos were very rich beings. That's when a volo was chosen to be king of Yufawnria.

The previous king and his whole family was supposedly killed by an assassin group, and when it came the time to chose a new king, the volos took this advantage and took the throne. The volo king was a very cruel man, though. Anyone he disliked even a bit would be killed, but they were all humans. He gave the important jobs to close volo friends of his, and he married a beautiful, but evil, volo woman who became queen. That's when humans started to think that the real reason they came here was to take over Yufawnria. As more and more humans became aware, they became angry, and refused to live any longer with volos.

A rebellion slowly began, and the once proud volos became frightened mice. Large armies, merchants, or rich people began to take action before they went out of business and became rats, like others did when the proud volos would take away their jobs and homes. Volos were killed, even when they did nothing wrong. Volo men, volo women, even volo or half-volo children that had nothing to do with the king were executed in the most bloodiest ways they could think of. Most of the volo race was destroyed. Many of the survivors had to go in hiding.  Yet the king did nothing about it, because all that mattered to him was his own glory.

The rest of the remaining volos' souls grew tainted as they watched their loved ones shed tears and blood. But the volos would not just watch others get killed. No... they fought back for vengeance! They had an advantage, too. Magic.

Each volo is born with a stone. The stones of volos are hidden in parts of their bodies, for example, the arm, foot, face..... or eye. Yes. And each stone is based off of one element. Some volos had the power to control thunder, some water, some earth, and so on. That's how they have their powers. And not only is the stone the source of their power, it is also their very life. The stone is the volos' soul. If it is destroyed, the volo is destroyed. That was the only way they can be killed, too. So even though so many volos were executed, they were harder to kill because they had to find where their stone was, and destroy it. That's also why volos were killed in the most horrid ways. But some volos weren't easy to kill at all. The stone's strength depends on how much power it can hold. The more power, the stronger the stone. The stronger the stone, the stronger the volo would be.

Soul TreasureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora