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Find a balance in your relationship. Relationships are all about finding balance. Balance will help you stay in love with each other, and should keep your boyfriend from feeling suffocated, a common complaint of guys. Focus on finding a balance between the following three ideas:

Routine and spontaneity. Remember to make a fun routine out of some of the things you and your boyfriend love to do, but remember to switch it up.

Love and lust. Love is selfless, timeless, and forgiving. Lust is selfish, brief, and unforgiving. In a relationship, remember to give, even as you take. Do things that satisfy your desires, but make sure the other person's desires are satisfied, too.

Speaking and listening. Take the time to listen as much to your boyfriend as you talk at him. He may need to be taught things from time to time, but he probably knows plenty that he can teach you, too. Remember the saying: "The foolish man speaks; the wise man listens."

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