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I woke up with a start when I heard a loud bang and some muffled yells. I flinched and slowly sat up, quickly taking in my surroundings. I was in Namjoons room again.

I sighed as I heard another loud bang followed by some shouting. I shook my head slightly and noticed I was now wearing different clothing which consisted of just a large white t shirt. I walked inside of the bathroom and closed the door behind me before I washed my face and took a look at myself in the mirror.

I sighed as I looked hideous right now. There were hickeys all over my neck and chest. I shivered as I thought about what the man had done to me yesterday. I shook my head again before I exited the bathroom once I finished using it.

My curiosity eventually took over me and I followed where the sounds were coming from to end up in front of a door in a more secluded area of the house. Hesitantly, I quietly opened the door and stepped inside.

When I looked up, I saw Jungkook throw the man from yesterday throw the man to the ground roughly. I winced quietly knowing that hurt like hell. I then watched as Jimin walked up next to the man and gave him a hard blow to the gut which resulted in him spitting out some blood.

As I ignored those three, I took a look around the room. The room was a plain grey color and had no windows. There was only a single chair in the room which was the exact same one that the man from yesterday was tied to with chains and ropes tied around his torso, arms, ha d, legs, and feet.

I then noticed the rest of the guys all leaning against the walls while they watched Jimin and Jungkook continuously beat the man. I then heard RM sigh as he said, " Not too loud boys, we don't want to wake up Hana. "

As he said that, he took a look around and his eyes landed on me with a sigh as he quickly said, " Nevermind, keep going. " He then pushed himself off of the wall he was leaning onto and walked over to me with long strides. When he got to me, he held me by my upper arm and pushed me into the wall as he asked, " What did I tell you about disobeying the rules? "

I just shrugged as he sighed and said, " You're not supposed to be in here. Do you want to get punished? " I just shrugged again and asked, " Well what am I supposed to do? Just sit in your room all day when loud bangs and shouts are being heard from upstairs? "

He sighed and shook his head at me before he shifted his gaze down a bit. I looked down to see what he was looking at just to find that the shirt I was wearing had fallen down a bit and gave a clear view of all the hickeys the man had given me.

I could see how RM's eyes darkened as he stared at the hickeys which honestly scared me a bit. I gulped as he said, " That fucking bastard....I'm gonna rip out his fucking throat. " I was honestly scared for myself and for the man even though he almost would've raped me if it weren't for the guys storming in.

RM let go of me as he stormed over to the man who was now all bloodied and bruised. Without warning, he gave the man a hard blow to the face which most likely knocked him out. However, RM didn't stop as he continued to punch the man multiple times which caused myself and the others to worry.

He suddenly pulled out his gun and aimed it at the man's head and everybody gasped. I quickly ran up to him and held him back by the waist as I said, " Namjoon! Stop! I'm fine okay! As long as I'm fine then it's okay! " He sighed as Jin walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder and said, " That's enough Namjoon. We still need answers and if you kill him we won't be getting anything but a dead body to deal with okay? "

He sighed again and nodded before he put away his gun and everybody seemed to let out a breath of relief. I didn't let go of my hold on him though because he was warm and I was honestly freezing my ass off being in only my underwear and a thin shirt.

I could feel goosebumps forming on my legs as I realized how cold the floor was. Was there like no heater in here because it feels like I'm inside a freezer. I peeked out at the others and sighed as they were all obviously dressed in warm clothes.

I then shoved my face into RM's back as I heard Jimin say, " Damn, she also got a nice ass. We could be like 'The two beautiful people with great asses' or something. " I heard Jungkook snicker and say, " Yeah, more like you're a dumbass and want your ass to get beat. And that name is so fucking long no ones gonna ever use it. "

After a few seconds of an awkward silence, I poked my head out and asked, " Hey, can we get out of here? I'm freezing my ass off right now and could use some of Jin's great cooking skills because I'm starving. " The guys chuckled and we all headed out of the room.

I sighed in relief as soon as we stepped out as the warm air came in contact with my cold skin. We all headed to the dining room as we waited for Jin to cook our breakfast since there weren't any maids or butlers and rich shit like that.

As we all conversed and joked around while the food was being cooked, I could feel someone's hard stare on me. I looked around the table to see RM staring at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion at him as he pointed to his shirt.

I continued staring at him as he pointed at his shirt and then mine which caused me to look down at mine. I quickly noticed what he was talking about because my shirt had went down a lot at the collar, because of how big it was on me, and it showed my hickeys and the top of my breasts if you were high enough to see it.

I quickly fixed my shirt right as Jin walked in with many plates of delicious foods. My mouth watered at the sight and my stomach rumbled a little. As soon as the plates were placed down, everybody dug in like they hadn't eaten for weeks.

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