× The Girl From the Fire ×

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I was opening my eyes. It was bright. I had to close them and blink a lot until they slowly got use to the light. I was alone. It was bright and dark. I looked around. I didn't even want to sit up. I'm in a dark room with a single window. It had no glass or curtains. It was just a square in the side of the wall. I put my arms to my sides. I'm on something soft and flat. It might be a bed of some kind. "Ha ha... Ha. " I can not hear right. But I did hear something. "Come on! Play with me. " I leaned up on the bed. My clothes from before were still on. It was a plain light blue bed gown. I got up and placed my feet on the ground. I'm barefoot and the floor is cold. I looked up to see that I couldn't reach the window. I backed away and saw a chair in the corner of the room. I pulled it over to the window. I got on the chair. I put my arms on the small ledge of the window. "Mmm... It's so bright... " I covered my eyes. I peeked through my fingers and saw two boys together. They heard me and turned around. I brought my head down really fast. I hope they didn't see me. I peek out again and they went back to playing. I squinted my eyes and put my hand on my head to block the sun. My eyes still hurt. Looking closely I saw that one of them is drawing under a tree. From what I saw he had dark brown hair and had on a long sleeve sweater type top. It has yellow and white stripes. He was trying to erase on his paper. He struggled and then took a sigh. He turned to his side and grabbed a pair of what looked like glasses. It was a big, round pair. The other boy has dirty blond hair. Though it is pretty much blond. He has a gray hoodie and has a toy. It might be a plane. What is it made of? I rested my head on my arms and watched them. It's all I can do. "He is really focused. I bet he is good at drawing... " Right after I said that he looked up. We met eye to eye. He fixed his glasses to get a better look. "A... A... A... Girl! " I got scared. I jumped at what he said. "What are you going on about? "
"Cory. I know what I have saw. It's a person. "
"Where? " He crossed his arms. Does he not believe his friend? "There. " The boy with glasses pointed at me. My eyes grew wide. The blonde turned around and went wide eyed. "Hugh... " I gasped. I tried to back away. "Woah! " I fell to the floor. Both me and the chair went down with a big "Bang! " I'm weak, hungry, and tired. I layed on the cold floor. My back hurt from hitting the ground... But... I guess... It can't compare... To that... Day... My eyes closed. All was pure black once again.


"Is she going to be okay? " Cory asked. He tilted his head. "I don't know. But we need to get some help! "
"But where! "
"I don't know. I thought that you would know. "
"Are you serious Uni? " He gave me a look like I am dumb. He went on, "As far as I know no one is able to get in there. "
"Well she did...! "
"Then how do you think we can get in there? "
"I don't know. Just... Ask someone. "
"Oh smart. Like who. "
"Someone should know. Go ask. "
"Who do you want me to ask Uni! Oh.. I know...how about the girl inside. Cause, by the way she is totally not passed out or something. "
"Yeah I know that... " He grabbed my sleeve and yanked on it. "Wait...! Cory! Where are we going...! "
"To get help. Where else would we be going? " He let go of me and we ran back out into town. We panicked and looked around everywhere to find who could help. "Um excuse me..? " I asked the worker. "Yes young one. Do you need something? Looking for someone? "
"Um... Actually we were out of town, me and a friend, and we saw a girl inside that old building. "
"So what are you asking? "
"If you know anyone who can get in? She fell over and is probably laying down on the floor. "
"You mean that she blacked out? "
"I don't know. But I do know that she fell off of something. "
"That does sound bad. I'm so sorry. But I'm afraid I don't know anyone who can help. I'll try to though. "
"Um... Yeah. Thanks. "
"Anything Uni? " Cory came over to me. "No. You? "
"Nope no one on that side knows. "
"I guess that means we can go this way to check. "
"That works. Let's go then. " We both turned the corner and saw a few more shops. One caught our eyes. We turned to each other and nodded. We walked up to the shop. Their are a man and a lady working the shop together. Out of the back came three boys all chasing each other. One has dark brown hair like mine only puffy. He had on all blue and black clothes. One has a smiley face mask with a brown jacket and some yellow clothes. The third and final boy has green hair and purple eyes. His outfit matches with them. Cory ran to them. "Hey. Hello! "
"Cory wait up! " I ran to his side. "Hey look. " The green haired boy poked the boy with black clothes. "What Jon? "
All three of them turned to face us. "Who are those freaks! "
"Tommy cool it. " The dark clothed boy told the one with a yellow mask. "Do you need something? Who are you two? "
"Oh. My name is Cory and this is my best friend Uni. " I waved shyly. "Hi. "
"Hey nice seeing you. My name is Nick. Those are my friends. He's Jon. " He pointed to the green head. "And that idiot over there is Tommy. " He then pointed to the other one with the mask. "What is up? " Nick asked. "We need to know how to get inside that one place. "
"What place? " Cory responded, "The one just out of town a bit. It's the one with no visual way to get in. "
"Hmm... Can't say I know where you mean but it sounds familiar. " He was thinking when Jon got his attention. "Nick. Hey look. It's your dad. "
"Oh yeah. There he is. "
"What is he doing? " I asked. "Who knows. " Tommy said. "He has a key with him. " Cory added. "Wait. How many Cory? Can you tell. "
"It only looks like one. "
"I know that key! That's the one he had the other week. He took it and ran out the door. "
"Then do you know where it goes Nick? " I asked him. "If I were to guess maybe to the... "
Tommy said, "You don't think it goes into that closed building. Do you? " All went silent. "Huh! "
"Nick? Are you alright bud? " Jon asked. "Tommy. Your brain actually worked! I know your right. "
"Of course I'm right. Wait. What did you say about my brain not working! " We all laughed as Nick went of. He ran after his dad. "Nick! Where are you going! " I yelled. "To follow my dad. That building is that one. I just know it. " What does he mean. "That place? What does that mean. " Cory read my mind. "Did it have a person in it? "
"Yes. We think it was a girl. "
"So can what I saw be real? "
"You don't mean that vision do you? " Tommy asked. "Yes. It is. "
"So there really is a girl who survived a fire. " Jon thought out loud. So we picked up our pace and followed Nick's dad. The key opened a door in the base of the fountain. We got to the front. He was gone. But there was a path inside. We did the only thing that came to mind. We...

So yeah I finally have most of the main characters in. I have been waiting to write this chapter. I wanted to have some more story before this though. This one added Uni, Cory, and the third person which you probably know already. She will be revealed soon. I wrote all of this from like 8 or so at night to 9: 40. It's late for a chapter but I wrote it all right now and thought that I should post it since I haven't posted for it for a bit. I have a busy weekend so nothing til next week. Anyway see ya! 😜

Word Count: 1481

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