Eva- Love Lasts Forever

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     "Eva, John and Eli are in trouble. Are you able to get to Osiris?" Melody suddenly asked me. Her blonde hair bounced with every step as she ran over. Her blue eyes held fear with the thought of losing Eli. Her boyfriend and father of her unborn daughter. Her slight bump visible under her top. I felt my stomach drop with the sudden thought of loosing John.
    "Not in a way you'll like but yes I can," I said as she grabbed my arm for support. She looked confused as I grabbed her elbow and led her to an empty room across the hall. I closed and locked the door. "We need something with an electrical charge, something strong enough to stop my hear."

"Eva! That's dangerous isn't there another way?" She asked pacing back and forth.

"Melody you know I'm only half angel. I can't just jump back and forth Willie nillie," I whispered as she sat down at an abandoned desk. her blonde hair falling over she shoulders as they began to shake. She was crying now.

"Eva I don't want to see you die but I'm scared to be with out Elias. I love him," Melody whimpered softly. I sighed and sat down next to her.

"How did you find out?" I asked and her head lifted slightly. Her red rimed eyes had turned dark blue.

"Osiris came to me in a dream and asked me to get to you. We don't have much time before the ship is completely absorbed into The Nothing," she husked out. Melody then sat up straight and grabbed my hands. "If you think it will fix this I will help, but if it goes too far I'm bringing you back. Boyfriend or not you're my best friend Eva-Marie."

" Thank You Melody. I can't just stand by and loose them both," I said standing up. I held out my hand and she took it pulling herself up. She embraced me and sighed into my shoulder. My arms slipped around her waist tightly. We were the same height and it helped us through a lot of our misadventures.

"Do you still love him?" She asked pulling back to look into my eyes. I nodded as my heart pounded and a tear slid down my cheek. Her face softened as I started to cry more.

"My God I shouldn't have left him. I miss him so much. I miss him holding me and the way he loved me like no other could. Johnathan is truly the love of my life. I need him back," I choked out. Melody hugged me tighter and rubbed my back. I pulled away and led the way to the door and opened it. The hall was silent as we walked towards our dorm. "In the basement is the old medical equipment. If we can get in and have Kota help us. This might just work."

As we walked she explained everything Osiris had told her in the dream.

"Kota please help us. I know its been a weird time since Cairo but you only have to work the computer," I pleaded as he walked to his desk. Kota has been our go to IT guy since day one and well its been hell for us all.

"You almost got me killed eleven times in The Valley of The Kings. Then the God of Evil, Set, tried to eat me Eva! Excuse me for worrying about my well being," he snapped. I sighed and sat down next to Melody. She was leaning her head on the table and snoring slightly.

"Please Elias, Johnathan, and the rest of the crew on Eden are in danger. They hit a time lapse during a storm. Which in tun they slipped into Limbo. All I need is you to make a big enough charge to stop my heart for no more than five minutes. That's all my Angel side needs to pull them out," I whispered urgently. He slowly nodded and stood up going to his cabinet. Kota then pulled out the old head gear from the last Limbo adventure. I felt myself shiver at the thought of almost loosing Melody that night. That was the night we found out she was pregnant.

"Don't think about it Eva. I'm still here and so is Aliyahna," Melody said sitting up and holding her stomach sightly. I nodded and slightly amazed at how she knew what I was thinking. Wait she's a Psychic. My little smart potato.

"You're going to wear this and I'm going hook you up to electrodes. From there I'll turn on the spare generator and jump start your heart. If I can't pull you back after five minutes I'm calling your father," Kota said heading to the door. Melody and I followed out to the darkened corridor. We walked slowly and quietly towards the stairs. In less then twenty minutes I was going to be seeing John for the first time in three months.

'Johnathan if you can hear me I love you so much. I will go to the ends of the Earth to save you.'

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