"Can't Go" pt 4

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I head home and  knocked on the door

my dad did not open the door so I just climbed through the window of my room

I jumped on my bed and started thinking about gray's laugh, his smile..." he's amazing" I say hugging my pillows

after 5 minutes of thinking of Grayson Jade started calling me

"Hey," I say scratching my head

" Heyy Luna" Jade says awkwardly  over the phone

"I was just calling to tell you that I can't go to the mall anymore because my mom is having a meeting right now at work and I need to take care of my little siblings, I'm sorry Luna this wasn't supposed to happen in so so sorry," she says upset

"oh no worries, I understand," I say happily

"are you sure?" she says

"for sure," I say

"hey since  I can't go how about I facetime you and I pick your outfit and you pick mine," she says excitedly

"umm that's a great idea but I don't have any dresses only skirts and shirts and jeans ," I said awkwardly

"Oh, its okay I still want to pick your outfit," she says

"okay I'm going to face time you," she says

"ok" I reply back



"Heyy' I laughed

"hi again" she laughs

we start talking and start picking  our outfits

(picture👆)*her outfit is the one on the 👈left* Mine's the one on the 👉right*

----- 7 pm

after face timing for 1 hour, I decided to sleep


it was 8 pm

I got up to get a glass of water

as I headed to the kitchen my dad was nowhere to be seen

The house was silent


I went outside to looked for my dad but he was nowhere to be seen

I checked in my backyard and I saw him laying down on the ground with a beer on his hand

"dad" I yelled 

"hello" I yelled louder

he finally woke up, after yelling for 3 minutes, he had  a tired look on his face

( I was going to tell him about Ethan's and gray's party but I knew how he was so I wasn't going to tell him)

"What do you want???" he says annoyed

"Nothing," I say walking back inside the house

I went to my room and cried knowing that I was never going to have a happy family

I got my purse and walked out of my room, I decide to go to "Cherell's"    (My favorite restaurant)

even though it was pretty late I still wanted to escape for a bit from there

I walked for about 20 minutes alone.

I finally got there.

I went inside and looked for Emma since she had night shifts

I saw her giving food to an old man. she turned back and saw me

"Hey," she says

I didn't say anything I just hugged her

"hey are you okay," she says hugging me tightly

"not really," I say looking at her

"come on let's sit down," she says

"so what's up? why are you sad? she says worried

"My dad was drunk again... I saw him fainted in my backyard...he doesn't even care about himself..and of me, I have no family" I say with tears in my eyes

" No don't say that Luna, of course, you have a family you have me and I love you so much... you are like my sister Luna...someday you will find your mom, your sister, and your triplet brothers," she says tearing up"

"I love you so much," I say hugging her tightly

okay no more crying she says trying to make me laugh

"okay" I laughed while I wiped my tears away

"do you want a drink? ill pay" she smiles

"Im not really thirsty" i say

"so you dont want dick?" she whispers

"omg" i laughed

"So how was school? emma says wiping the tables

"it was amazing" i said

"really"? she laughs "tell me the whole story"

"okay" i said

(i told her the whole story)

"wow, so you like gray" Emma smirks

"shut up Emma" i laughed "yes" i whispered back

"hey so Ethan and gray are throwing a party tomorrow and I was wondering If you wanted to come with me?" I say spinning on the chair

"oh I can't go because i work tomorrow"
she says tiredly

"can't you just skip work?' I say

"i wish but you know how my boss Is"she says

'sorry" she says

"its okay"

"hey my shift is done...do you want a ride home? i mean its not safe to walk home alone she says taking her apron off

"umm sure" i smiled

"okay ill be right back okay" she says



(she drives me home) 13 mins later

"okay" were here she says parking in my house

"thanks again...for everything" i smiled

"i would do anything for my best friend she smiles "now get out" she laughs

"bye" i waved

I went inside and I saw my dad drinking beer
"Where were you young lady"?! He yells
"Nowhere" I respond back
I walked back to my room ignoring my dad
I took my shoes off and fell asleep

Poor Luna😭anyways did u like the story ?😁 I'll work hard on the next part lol okayyyu byeeeeee

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