Chapter 4

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I saw everyone admire him from a far and they made it look like he was a precious jewel. Nobody could take but just admire from afar.

"Wow he is really handsome" said Sooyeon mesmerized by him

"But not as handsome as Kyuhan" I said getting the attention Kyuhan.

"Oh stop it Minseo" he said, patting my shoulder, and living my shoulder burning from his touch.

Kyuhan was the only, handsome one to me, I hope he likes me just how I like him. As We started walking I had made eye contact with the new guy he looked at me and I swear I saw a spark in his eyes, maybe the sun was shining to bright for his eyes or something else. Then one of his friends got his attention and he looked away but somehow it feels weird, or i'm just making a fuss out of nothing. We went inside the building and we started walking to each others class and planning what we wanted to do together after school.

Should we go to the karaoke or a cafe, what to you guys think?

"Karaoke!" so I can sing a duet with you... I said.

"Sorry guys I have somewhere to be at" he said.

"why? Is it an emergency?" she asked confusingly.

"No, I just can't go with you guys sorry..." he said.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Sooyeon asked as her eyebrows raised.

My mind froze hearing that, what if he does have a girlfriend? I mean we hang out but it's not like he has told us anything about his life.

"Uhh... no that's not it, I just can't sorry" he said as if he was hiding something.

"Okay, okay" she said in surrender

"Phew... " I said under my breathe

"Minseo did you say something?" asked sooyeon

"No!" I said alarmed as if I was caught doing something bad.

"Chill girl, I just asked if you said something" she said laughing.

"bye guys! this is my class... I really don't want to go but now hurry on don't get late to class you two" she said pushing us away.

"Mom! Stop hurrying us" I said jokingly.

"Hey stop it! I'm not you mother" she said putting her hands at her sides.

Me and kyunjan chuckled walking away from her. It was awkward when we were walking together.

"Hey... so... do you like anyone?" I asked wanting to know and risking my life.

"Why this question so sudden?" he asked confused.

"just. I want to know" I said not knowing what else to make up to say.

"I guess I do like someone" my heart skipped hearing that, I started to anxious

"And who might that be?" i asked, i didn't know if i really wanted to know his answer.

"Uhh... someone" he said, scratching his head.

I'm sure it's me, but I'm just feeding my ego.

"And you?" he asked

"Uhh... someone too" I said laughing

"Okay let's make a deal you tell me first and I tell you who I like. O-"

"It's you" I just blurted out without thinking and he just froze and didn't move at all

"Yeah..." everything just turned even more awkward than I expected.

"I-I-I'm sorry Minseo but I just see you a-"

"Stop! don't say it..." I wish I could just turn back not have asked.

"Min-" I cut him off once again.

"It's okay you don't need to say anything else" I said sadly.

I turned around and left at least my class was further away from his. I didn't want to turn around because I knew it was going to hurt. As I walked to my class, I had my head down all the way.

Gosh I really am dumb thinking he would like me. I walked pass by everyone, pumping into everyone, I wish I could say sorry to them but I didn't want to. I kept walking, just as I feel someone grab my hand. I tried to forcefully pull because I thought it was Kyuhan. I look up wanting to tell him to leave me alone but it was the new guy.

"Are you okay?" he asked

"Yes" I said surprised and confused as to why he was asking me this.

"I- do I know you?" I asked because it was weird.

"No, uhh sorry I just saw what happened back there" he said.

Oh gosh! now I have embarrassed myself in front of him.

"I have to get to class" I said, walking away fast.

I mean everyone will forget what just happened there. It's no big deal, plus that was weird, I mean not everyone cares about someone who just got rejected in front of the whole school.

I love this book and I really want finish it. So PLEASE leave your COMMENTS new LIKES on the chapters, 사랑해요!!! Love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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