O P I N I O N - T H R E E

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[ O p i n i o n - N u m b e r - T h r e e ]

The beauty community is toxic as fuck...

[ R e a s o n : ]

I don't know if you guys watch any beauty guru's on youtube, but I do because I have no fucking life.


The beauty community is so toxic and drama filled, it's actually ridiculous.

Like, all they do is put on makeup, and occasionally come out with makeup collaborations or their own makeup brand, and yet when you look at their tweets or snapchats, they seem to always be ranting about someone, or just starting drama with someone.

Like yo, fucking chill.

Who knew putting on makeup could be the leading cause of drama...

[ C o n t e x t ( i f - n e e d e d ) : ]

Not all beauty guru's on youtube are drama filled idiots. It mainly seems to be the "bigger" ( ones with more subscribers ) that cause drama, and like to be toxic.

Not gonna name names. No point. You'll already know who I'm talking about if you watch any of the "bigger" beauty guru's.

[ Y o u - G u y s : ]




Let me know pal. Thanks. :)

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